Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Map Work : Page -3

Map work :

Locte the following on the political map of India:     
1. Most  effected areas/regions by flood.
2. Most effected areas/regions by droughts.
3. Most effected areas/regions by cyclones.
4. Most effected areas/regions by earthquakes.
5. Most effected areas/regions by landslides. 

Important Questions for Unit Test 3rd-Page 2

  • Differentiate between hazard and disaster .
  • What are the causes and effects of Tsunamis?
  • Why are the  earthquakes accrues in the Himalayans and in the northeastern region of India? Give reasons.
  • How does floods effect the life of the common people of the area?
  • Write socio-environmental consequences of earthquake ?
  • Explain the factors which influence the distribution of temperature over the oceans.
  • With the help of suitable diagram explain the different types of rain fall.
  • Discuss the various impacts of droughts.
  • Global warming is alarming for mankind.’ Elaborate the statement with suitable examples.
  • What are the different form of condensation ? Explain each of them.
  • What is precipitation ? Discuss different form of precipitation .
  • Discuss the various factors affecting the salinity of ocean water .
  • How are clouds formed ? Classify them.
  • Identify the landslide-prone regions in India and suggest some measures to mitigate the disasters caused by landslides.

Important Questions for Unit Test 3rd-Page 1

  • What is meant by hazards?
  • Name the diffetent types of hazards.
  • Why are  droughts frequent comes in Rajasthan and Gujarat ?
  • What is an earthquake ?
  • Define disasters ?
  • Write name of two state where floods come frequently ?
  • What is land slides.
  • What do you mean by Tsunami ?
  • Which months have maximum frequency of cyclonic storms in India ?
  • Which states receives floods in the winter months ?
  • In which river Majuli island is situated ?
  • What do you understand by the term " Greenhouse Gases " ?
  • When does a hazard become a disaster ?
  • Name the green house gases .
  • Which planet is known as “Blue Planet’’?
  • What are the major division of ocean Floor?
  • Name the deepest trench in the world .
  • The process in which liquid transform into gas is known as. 
  • Define salinity of ocean water .
  • Name the different types of clouds .  
  • Define Precipitation.
  • What is Evaporation?
  • What do you understand by the term Humidity?
  • What is dew point? 
  • How many major climatic groups are recognized by Koppen?
  • What climatic data are used in Koeppens scheme of classifying climates?
  • What is the importance of ozone gas? 

Sunday, 27 December 2015


MLL Questions
1-Define the term “settlement”.
2-What are rural settlements?
3-Which form of settlements develops along either side of roads?
4-What is urbanization?
5-Name any one million plus city from Africa.
6-In which year Addis Ababa was established.
7-Who prepared the plan of Canberra city ?
8-What is a healthy city?
9-Which is the largest city in the world in terms of population?

QUESTIONS (03 marks each)
1-Distinguished between compact and scattered settlements.
2- Distinguished between administrative and cultural settlement.
3-Give suggestions to stop the unhealthy expansion of the million plus cities in India.
4-Name any three types of rural settlements that are very common in your immediate surroundings.

HOTS Questions:
1-Name any five types of rural settlements pattern developed in different parts of the world and write  one typical feature of each one.
2- Discuss the various functions of rural settlement?
3-Describe five environmental problems associated with urban settlements in the developing Countries of the world.
4- Describe the functional classification of town by giving suitable examples from different countries.
5-“Cities of developed and developing countries reflect marked differences in their planning and development” support the statement with suitable examples.
6-In your opinion what are the major reasons of increasing slums in India.
7-Give suggestions to tackle the environmental problems associated with urban settlements.

International Trade

MLL Questions:

1-What is hinterland?
2-What is the main objective of WTO?
3-Define Barter System?
4-When SAARC was formed and also name the member countries?
5-Define the term “international trade”.
6-What is slave trade?
7-What do you mean by balance of trade?
8-What are the components of International trade?
9-What do you mean by an Inland port?

VALUE-BASED Questions 

What had been the values of trade routes in India during the historic times ?

QUESTIONS-(03 marks each)

1-Describe the role of World Trade Organization (WTO) in international trade.
2-Why is it detrimental for a nation to have negative balance of payments?
3-Define trade balance and distinguish between positive balance of trade and negative balance of trade.

HOTS Questions:
1-How are ports helpful for trade? Give the classification of ports on the basis of their location?
2-How do the differences in natural resources and economic growth of different countries encourage international trade?
3-How is population a major factor for the purpose of international trade?
4-“Trade is the base of the world economy in the modern times.” Justify the statement with four arguments.
5-How do the differences in natural resources and economic growth of different countries encourage international trade?
7-Explain the statement “Ports are the chief gateways of the international trade.
8-What are ports? Describe the types of ports on the basis of specialised functions.
9-How does the composition of trade set the pattern of international trade in the world? Explain with examples.
10-Discuss the statement how international trade is beneficial to both exporting and importing countries? Give examples.
11“Trade is the base of the world economy in the modern times.” Justify the statement with three arguments.
12-Explain with example how stage of economic development and foreign investment become the bases of international trade.
13-How can globalization along with free trade adversely affect the economies of developing countries? Explain with example.

Transport and Communication

1-Name the longest railway line in world?
2-Which two seas are connected by Suez Canal?
3-Which country has highest density of railway net work?
4-Which is the busiest ocean route in the world?
5-Which country has dense network of pipe line?
6-What is gauge?
7-What are Pack animals?
8-Name the latest satellite send by India in the space.
9-Name the ports located on both terminals of Suez Canal.

QUESTIONS (03 marks each)
1-Explain any three points of importance of pipeline in transporting fluid materials for long distance with suitable examples from parts of the world.
2-Which are the major regions of the world having a dense network of airways?
3-What are the modes by which cyber space expands the contemporary economic and social space of humans?

HOTS Questions:

1-Transport and communication are the necessary infrastructure of the economic advancement of a country. Discuss.
2-How has satellite communication brought revolutionary changes in the field of communication? Explain with five suitable examples.
3-Discuss the importance of railway as a means of transport and its distribution pattern.
4-“In duly managed transport system, different means of transport are manually dependent on each other.” Clarify this statement.
5-What are the problems of road transport in mountainous, desert and flood prone regions?
6-Why do people throughout the world prefer to travel by trains? Explain giving any five reasons.
7-Why is the air transport becoming more popular in the world day by day ins pite of its high cost? Explain any five suitable reasons.
8-State any five features of water transport, taking suitable examples of Suez and Panama Canal.
9-Road transport plays a vital role in the promotion of trade and tourism in the world. Support this statement with three suitable arguments.
10-Why road transport scores over the rail transport? State three reasons giving examples from the world.
11-How are trans-continental railways playing an important role in the economic development of their regions? Explain with three examples of trans-continental railways.



Q.1  Name any two examples of tertiary activities.
Q,2 Write the name of any two means of communication .
Q3  What do you mean by medical tourism?
Q4Name any two fast emerging countries other than India with reference to medical tourism in the world
Q5 What is KPO?
Q6What is ‘ Digital Divide’ ?
Q7.What is quarternary activity?


Q1.Why does the service sector generally concentrated in the developed countries? Explain five reasons with suitable example.
Q2.Why specialized activities of the advanced economy such as finance and insurance have scattered location around the globe? How are they managed? Explain.
Q3.What are the reasons of increasing importance of information technology in developed countries? Explain.
Q4.Explain with examples the significance of service sectors in modern economic development of the world.
Q5.Services are very important aspects of development of a country.”Analyse the statement by explaining five components of a service sector.
Q6.In what ways the service sector in developing countries are different from those in the advanced countries?
Q7. “The modern economic development in the world is mainly the result of the development of quarternary services.” Justify the statement with the five suitable arguments.
Q8.The global cities act as a command and control countries of the world system. Elaborate.
Q9.Discuss the nature and growth of quaternary services in the world.
Q10   India is fast emerging as an important destination of medical tourism in the world . Discuss.
Q11   Outsourcing is providing lots of job in developing countries . Discuss.
Q12 Why quinary activities are considered as golden collar jobs? Discuss.

Secondary Activities


Q1 What are foot loose industry?
Q2 Which place is known as “rust bowl of USA”?
Q3  Define basic industry.
Q4  Give two examples of agro based  industry.
Q5 What is cottage industry.
Q6  Who are white collar job workers.?


Q1 How the rights of unorganized industrial workers can be protected for the social security?Discuss.
Q2   In which way co-operative sectors help in spreading brotherhood ?
Q3 Write three measures which  can be taken in food processing so that people can get healthy packed food?
Q4    How the cottage industry help in making small workers self-dependant?Explain.


Q1  “ Food processing is extremely important in urban life.”Explain its significancefor the urban purpose.
Q2  Elaborate the salient features of modern large scale manufacturing industries.
Q3“Transportation plays an important role in the localization of any industry.” Verify the statement.
Q4 Elucidate the role of PSUs in modern economy.

Primary Activity

Q1  What do you mean by primary activity.
Q2   What is horticulture.
Q3  Define co-operative  farming .
Q4   What do you understand by economic activity.
Q5    Distinguish between sovkhoz and kolkhoz.
Q6  What are ranches?
Q 7 Write another name of shifting agriculture.
Q 8 What is food gathering?

VALUE BASED QUESTIONS                      

Q 1 “Agriculture has been the main stay of economy of the developing nations.”Explain the value of agriculture for the agrarian socities.

Q1  Why is truck farming  practiced near urban areas?
Q2 Why  is intensive subsistence agriculture practiced in dense populated areas?

Q1 Gathering has under gone some changes in present time .Explain this statement with suitable examples.
Q2 “ Large scale dairyfarming is a result of development of transportation and refrigeration” Give some proof to support your answer.
Q3  Do you think that nomadic herding is different from livestock rearing, give your opinion with valid examples.
Q4  Describe the importance of primary activities in development of a country.
Q5 What is the role of technology in changing pattern of occupations?
Q6 “ In extensive commercial grain cultivation there is low yield per acre , but  high yield per person”,Explain the reason.
Q7 There are no off season during the whole year in dairy farming. Explain this statement with suitable examples.

Human Development


Q1 What is human development?
Q2 Name any two pillars of human development.
Q3 Which country has highest HDI?
Q4 What is HDI?
Q5 Who introduced the concept of human development first?
Q6 What is the rank of India with reference to HDI?
Q7 Name one approach of human development?
Q8 What is growth?
Q9 Define the term development.
Q10Which country has the lowest HDI?


Q1 Are growth and development co-related? Give examples.
Q2  African countries have low HDI.Why?


Q1 Why the countries like Sri Lanka , Trinidad Tobago have higher rank of HDI other than India? Write five reasons.
Q2 Kerala has lower per capita income than Gujarat and Punjab Than still it enjoys higher rank of HDI,Give reason for this disparity.
Q3  Why do the countries   with lower level of HDI spend more on defense rather than social sector?

Population Composition

Q1 What do you understand by population composition.
Q2 Write the formula to calculate the sex ratio.
Q3  Name the country with highest sex ratio in world.?
Q4  What does age-sex pyramid indicates?
Q5   What is literacy rate?
Q6  Name the country with lowest literacy rate in world?
Q7 Which country has highest rural population in world.?
Q8 Which country has highest urban population in world.?
Q9  What is occupational structure ?

Q1   How the concept of women empowerment is essential as per scenario of sex ratio in many countries?                         Q2 “Ageing population has become a serious problem of some countries” Support your answer with suitable example.
Q3    Find out various characteristics of sex ratio and occupational structure of rural and urban countries.
Q4 Rural belts have many merits over urban centers .Do you agree with this statement or not ? Justify.
Q5 “All the occupation are integrated to each other” .How?

Population Distribution, Density and Growth

Q1   Define density of population.
Q2   Describe the growth of population
Q3   Give two examples of low density areas.
Q4   Name the country with highest population in the world.
Q5 Define fertility.
Q6    What are two features of 1st stage of demographic transition?
Q7   Which continent has lowest growth rate of population in world ?
Q8  What is in-migration?
Q9  What is Out – migration?
Q10  Name any two components of population change.

QUESTIONS(3 marks)

Q1  What policies can be adopted for  controlling the population of world.
Q2   How increasing population of world influencing the natural resources?
Q3    Can we change the push factors into pull factors, give supportive suggestions,
Q4  How can we attract people to settle down in low density areas ?

Q1.How climate and location of an area effect the distribution of population in world?Discuss.
Q2 “ There are variety in urban rural composition in world.”Explain it with example.
Q3   “Asia has many placeswhere people are very few and few places where people are very many.”Explain this statement.
Q4  “Economic factors are affecting the distribution of population” Explain this statement  with suitable examples.
Q5  Present time , we see that migration is rapidly occurring, explain the factors affecting it.
Q6  What was the impact of industrial revolution on population growth of world?

Nature and scope of Human Geography

MLL  (1mark)
Q 1 Define Human geography according to Ratzel.
Q 2 What according to Ms. Sample is the definition of human geography?
Q 3 Explain stop and go determinism
Q 4 Why is geography known as integrated discipline.
Q.5 Name the two branches of political geography.
Q 6 What  is settlement geography , name its sister discipline.
Q 7 Name any two branches of economic geography.
Q 8 Name the new approaches of human geography.

QUESTIONS  (3 marks)

Q 1 Why does Benda offer prayer to the spirit of forest before quenching his thirst?
Q 2 Why is neodeterminism a better approach than determinism?
Q 3 How has human geography developed through different corridors of time?
Q 4 How does Human geography has close association with the other sister disciplines, give examples?
Q 5 How can we Humanism Nature. Explain briefly.
Q 6 Explain three schools of thought of human geography.
Q 7 Define social geography ? What are its sub fields and also mention its relation with other discipline of social science.

Q 1 Human geography helps in the development of human beings. Explain.
Q 2 Environmental determinism has supremacy over possibilism. Explain.
Q 3 Describe nature and scope of human geography.
Q  4 How neo determinism is middle path between determinism and possibilism?

Thursday, 19 November 2015


  1. Indicate the following in the given outline map of India :-                                       
  2. Western Ghat 
  3. Eastern Ghat.
  4. Himalayan Mountain
  5. River Narmada 
  6. River Tapi
  7. River Godavari
  8. K 2 Mountain Peak
  9. Area of black soil in India.
  10. Thar Desert
  11. River Ganga
  12. Mount Everast peak
  13. Largest state of india (Area wise)
  14. A river flowing in a rift valley
  15. Place receing  Highest rainfall place.
  16. Aravali range.
  17. Strait located between India and Srilanka.
  18. Indian Group of islands

  19.   Indicate the following in the given outline map of world :-                                       
  20. Folded Mountain located in north and south America.
  21. Deepest  ocean Trench located in Pacific Ocean.
  22. Major Plates
  23. Largest Desert of the world.
  24. Minor Plates in west of  North America and South America.
  25. Ring of fire.
  26. Mid Atlantic Ridge.


  1. Make a comparison of the Island groups of the Arabian sea and the Bay of Bengal.  
  2. What is sub continent ? Why India is called a sub-continent?           
  3. List up the impacts of an earthquake .
  4. What is erosion ? 
  5. Differentiate between Khadar and Banger .
  6. Differentiate between weather and climate.
  7. What is weathering ? Name their types and explain any one.                                   
  8. How can we check soil erosion ?
  9. Write the socio-economic advantages of interlinking the Indian rivers .
  10. How is alluvial soil formed ? Write the main characteristics features of alluvial soil.
  11. Suggest some ways to conserve endangered species of animals.
  12. Write important features of peninsular rivers of india.
  13. Write the favourable climatic conditions for evergreen forest.
  14. Explain the factors affecting the climate of India.                                                                
  15. Explain the Big-Bang theory.
  16. Name different physiographic divisions of India. Explain about the Northern Plains.
  17. What is soil conversion ? Suggest some measure to conserve soil.
  18. What are the evidences in support of the continental drift theory.    
  19. Breifly describe about action of water and name erosional landforms produced by it.
  20. Differentiate between Himalayan rivers and Peninsular rivers.                              
  21. What is soil degradation ? Give three reasons responsible for soil degradation .


  1. Which soil is most useful for the production of cotton ?
  2. Define insolation .
  3. What is Loo ?
  4. What is light year ?
  5. What is rock cycle ?        
  6. Which gas comprises the maximum share in our atmosphere ?
  7. Define air mass .                                                         
  8. Which are Inner Planets ?                                                            
  9. What is full form of ITCZ ?
  10. On which mountain range “Dodabeta” peak situated ?   
  11. Main the major elements of climate/weather .
  12. Differentiate between Physical and Human Geography in three points.      
  13. How is atmosphere useful to us ?           
  14. Define the term Plate. Name the major plates .
  15. Name the various type of direct and indirect sources to get information about the interior of the earth.
  16. What is mean by Tillite ?
  17. What is meant by “Differentiation” ?
  18. Define western cyclonic distrubances .
  19. Name the different types of weathering .
  20. Explain the three type of plate boundaries.
  21. List up the factors affecting the distribution of insolation/temperature.
  22. Define biological weathering.
  23. Name the different physiographic divisions of India .       
  24. Describe the classification of rocks on the basis of   origin ..                                              
  25. Distinguish between endogenic and exogenic forces by giving sutaible examples      


  1. What is Geography ?
  2. Define pgysical geography .
  3. What is Panthalasa ?
  4. What do you mean by a Nebula ?
  5. What was Pangaea ?
  6. Define the term Volcano.
  7. Where is Mariana Trench situated ?
  8. What is epicenter ?
  9. Define the term monsoon. 
  10. What is the full form of CAZARI ?
  11. Name the Indian river flowing in rift valley.
  12. What do you mean by erosion ?
  13.  What is an earthquake ?
  14. What are geomorphic agents ?
  15. Which soil is also known as black soil ?
  16. Explain the term Normal Lapse Rate.
  17. Name the state in which Garo Hills situated.
  18. Define soil.
  19. Which river was known as "Sorrow of Bengal" ?
  20. What are Isobars ?
  21. Name the state in which K2 mountain peack is situated.
  22. Where is Nanda Devi biosphere reserve situated ?
  23. Define the term Mneral .
  24.  In which state of India is Lake LoktaK located?             
  25. Name the largest desert of the world .
  26. What is a rock ?
  27. Name the three major layers of the earth.
  28. Name the scholar who coined the term “Geography” ?                      
  29. Which longitude is the standard meridian of India ?
  30. Define ocean current and name the major types of ocean currents .

Wednesday, 25 February 2015