Sunday 27 December 2015

Nature and scope of Human Geography

MLL  (1mark)
Q 1 Define Human geography according to Ratzel.
Q 2 What according to Ms. Sample is the definition of human geography?
Q 3 Explain stop and go determinism
Q 4 Why is geography known as integrated discipline.
Q.5 Name the two branches of political geography.
Q 6 What  is settlement geography , name its sister discipline.
Q 7 Name any two branches of economic geography.
Q 8 Name the new approaches of human geography.

QUESTIONS  (3 marks)

Q 1 Why does Benda offer prayer to the spirit of forest before quenching his thirst?
Q 2 Why is neodeterminism a better approach than determinism?
Q 3 How has human geography developed through different corridors of time?
Q 4 How does Human geography has close association with the other sister disciplines, give examples?
Q 5 How can we Humanism Nature. Explain briefly.
Q 6 Explain three schools of thought of human geography.
Q 7 Define social geography ? What are its sub fields and also mention its relation with other discipline of social science.

Q 1 Human geography helps in the development of human beings. Explain.
Q 2 Environmental determinism has supremacy over possibilism. Explain.
Q 3 Describe nature and scope of human geography.
Q  4 How neo determinism is middle path between determinism and possibilism?

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