Sunday 27 December 2015

Population Composition

Q1 What do you understand by population composition.
Q2 Write the formula to calculate the sex ratio.
Q3  Name the country with highest sex ratio in world.?
Q4  What does age-sex pyramid indicates?
Q5   What is literacy rate?
Q6  Name the country with lowest literacy rate in world?
Q7 Which country has highest rural population in world.?
Q8 Which country has highest urban population in world.?
Q9  What is occupational structure ?

Q1   How the concept of women empowerment is essential as per scenario of sex ratio in many countries?                         Q2 “Ageing population has become a serious problem of some countries” Support your answer with suitable example.
Q3    Find out various characteristics of sex ratio and occupational structure of rural and urban countries.
Q4 Rural belts have many merits over urban centers .Do you agree with this statement or not ? Justify.
Q5 “All the occupation are integrated to each other” .How?

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