Thursday 19 November 2015


  1. Make a comparison of the Island groups of the Arabian sea and the Bay of Bengal.  
  2. What is sub continent ? Why India is called a sub-continent?           
  3. List up the impacts of an earthquake .
  4. What is erosion ? 
  5. Differentiate between Khadar and Banger .
  6. Differentiate between weather and climate.
  7. What is weathering ? Name their types and explain any one.                                   
  8. How can we check soil erosion ?
  9. Write the socio-economic advantages of interlinking the Indian rivers .
  10. How is alluvial soil formed ? Write the main characteristics features of alluvial soil.
  11. Suggest some ways to conserve endangered species of animals.
  12. Write important features of peninsular rivers of india.
  13. Write the favourable climatic conditions for evergreen forest.
  14. Explain the factors affecting the climate of India.                                                                
  15. Explain the Big-Bang theory.
  16. Name different physiographic divisions of India. Explain about the Northern Plains.
  17. What is soil conversion ? Suggest some measure to conserve soil.
  18. What are the evidences in support of the continental drift theory.    
  19. Breifly describe about action of water and name erosional landforms produced by it.
  20. Differentiate between Himalayan rivers and Peninsular rivers.                              
  21. What is soil degradation ? Give three reasons responsible for soil degradation .

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