Wednesday 30 December 2015

Important Questions for Unit Test 3rd-Page 2

  • Differentiate between hazard and disaster .
  • What are the causes and effects of Tsunamis?
  • Why are the  earthquakes accrues in the Himalayans and in the northeastern region of India? Give reasons.
  • How does floods effect the life of the common people of the area?
  • Write socio-environmental consequences of earthquake ?
  • Explain the factors which influence the distribution of temperature over the oceans.
  • With the help of suitable diagram explain the different types of rain fall.
  • Discuss the various impacts of droughts.
  • Global warming is alarming for mankind.’ Elaborate the statement with suitable examples.
  • What are the different form of condensation ? Explain each of them.
  • What is precipitation ? Discuss different form of precipitation .
  • Discuss the various factors affecting the salinity of ocean water .
  • How are clouds formed ? Classify them.
  • Identify the landslide-prone regions in India and suggest some measures to mitigate the disasters caused by landslides.

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