Sunday 27 December 2015

Population Distribution, Density and Growth

Q1   Define density of population.
Q2   Describe the growth of population
Q3   Give two examples of low density areas.
Q4   Name the country with highest population in the world.
Q5 Define fertility.
Q6    What are two features of 1st stage of demographic transition?
Q7   Which continent has lowest growth rate of population in world ?
Q8  What is in-migration?
Q9  What is Out – migration?
Q10  Name any two components of population change.

QUESTIONS(3 marks)

Q1  What policies can be adopted for  controlling the population of world.
Q2   How increasing population of world influencing the natural resources?
Q3    Can we change the push factors into pull factors, give supportive suggestions,
Q4  How can we attract people to settle down in low density areas ?

Q1.How climate and location of an area effect the distribution of population in world?Discuss.
Q2 “ There are variety in urban rural composition in world.”Explain it with example.
Q3   “Asia has many placeswhere people are very few and few places where people are very many.”Explain this statement.
Q4  “Economic factors are affecting the distribution of population” Explain this statement  with suitable examples.
Q5  Present time , we see that migration is rapidly occurring, explain the factors affecting it.
Q6  What was the impact of industrial revolution on population growth of world?

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