Sunday 27 December 2015

Human Development


Q1 What is human development?
Q2 Name any two pillars of human development.
Q3 Which country has highest HDI?
Q4 What is HDI?
Q5 Who introduced the concept of human development first?
Q6 What is the rank of India with reference to HDI?
Q7 Name one approach of human development?
Q8 What is growth?
Q9 Define the term development.
Q10Which country has the lowest HDI?


Q1 Are growth and development co-related? Give examples.
Q2  African countries have low HDI.Why?


Q1 Why the countries like Sri Lanka , Trinidad Tobago have higher rank of HDI other than India? Write five reasons.
Q2 Kerala has lower per capita income than Gujarat and Punjab Than still it enjoys higher rank of HDI,Give reason for this disparity.
Q3  Why do the countries   with lower level of HDI spend more on defense rather than social sector?

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