Thursday 19 November 2015


  1. What is Geography ?
  2. Define pgysical geography .
  3. What is Panthalasa ?
  4. What do you mean by a Nebula ?
  5. What was Pangaea ?
  6. Define the term Volcano.
  7. Where is Mariana Trench situated ?
  8. What is epicenter ?
  9. Define the term monsoon. 
  10. What is the full form of CAZARI ?
  11. Name the Indian river flowing in rift valley.
  12. What do you mean by erosion ?
  13.  What is an earthquake ?
  14. What are geomorphic agents ?
  15. Which soil is also known as black soil ?
  16. Explain the term Normal Lapse Rate.
  17. Name the state in which Garo Hills situated.
  18. Define soil.
  19. Which river was known as "Sorrow of Bengal" ?
  20. What are Isobars ?
  21. Name the state in which K2 mountain peack is situated.
  22. Where is Nanda Devi biosphere reserve situated ?
  23. Define the term Mneral .
  24.  In which state of India is Lake LoktaK located?             
  25. Name the largest desert of the world .
  26. What is a rock ?
  27. Name the three major layers of the earth.
  28. Name the scholar who coined the term “Geography” ?                      
  29. Which longitude is the standard meridian of India ?
  30. Define ocean current and name the major types of ocean currents .

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