Sunday 27 December 2015

Secondary Activities


Q1 What are foot loose industry?
Q2 Which place is known as “rust bowl of USA”?
Q3  Define basic industry.
Q4  Give two examples of agro based  industry.
Q5 What is cottage industry.
Q6  Who are white collar job workers.?


Q1 How the rights of unorganized industrial workers can be protected for the social security?Discuss.
Q2   In which way co-operative sectors help in spreading brotherhood ?
Q3 Write three measures which  can be taken in food processing so that people can get healthy packed food?
Q4    How the cottage industry help in making small workers self-dependant?Explain.


Q1  “ Food processing is extremely important in urban life.”Explain its significancefor the urban purpose.
Q2  Elaborate the salient features of modern large scale manufacturing industries.
Q3“Transportation plays an important role in the localization of any industry.” Verify the statement.
Q4 Elucidate the role of PSUs in modern economy.

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