Sunday 27 December 2015



Q.1  Name any two examples of tertiary activities.
Q,2 Write the name of any two means of communication .
Q3  What do you mean by medical tourism?
Q4Name any two fast emerging countries other than India with reference to medical tourism in the world
Q5 What is KPO?
Q6What is ‘ Digital Divide’ ?
Q7.What is quarternary activity?


Q1.Why does the service sector generally concentrated in the developed countries? Explain five reasons with suitable example.
Q2.Why specialized activities of the advanced economy such as finance and insurance have scattered location around the globe? How are they managed? Explain.
Q3.What are the reasons of increasing importance of information technology in developed countries? Explain.
Q4.Explain with examples the significance of service sectors in modern economic development of the world.
Q5.Services are very important aspects of development of a country.”Analyse the statement by explaining five components of a service sector.
Q6.In what ways the service sector in developing countries are different from those in the advanced countries?
Q7. “The modern economic development in the world is mainly the result of the development of quarternary services.” Justify the statement with the five suitable arguments.
Q8.The global cities act as a command and control countries of the world system. Elaborate.
Q9.Discuss the nature and growth of quaternary services in the world.
Q10   India is fast emerging as an important destination of medical tourism in the world . Discuss.
Q11   Outsourcing is providing lots of job in developing countries . Discuss.
Q12 Why quinary activities are considered as golden collar jobs? Discuss.

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