Sunday 27 December 2015

Transport and Communication

1-Name the longest railway line in world?
2-Which two seas are connected by Suez Canal?
3-Which country has highest density of railway net work?
4-Which is the busiest ocean route in the world?
5-Which country has dense network of pipe line?
6-What is gauge?
7-What are Pack animals?
8-Name the latest satellite send by India in the space.
9-Name the ports located on both terminals of Suez Canal.

QUESTIONS (03 marks each)
1-Explain any three points of importance of pipeline in transporting fluid materials for long distance with suitable examples from parts of the world.
2-Which are the major regions of the world having a dense network of airways?
3-What are the modes by which cyber space expands the contemporary economic and social space of humans?

HOTS Questions:

1-Transport and communication are the necessary infrastructure of the economic advancement of a country. Discuss.
2-How has satellite communication brought revolutionary changes in the field of communication? Explain with five suitable examples.
3-Discuss the importance of railway as a means of transport and its distribution pattern.
4-“In duly managed transport system, different means of transport are manually dependent on each other.” Clarify this statement.
5-What are the problems of road transport in mountainous, desert and flood prone regions?
6-Why do people throughout the world prefer to travel by trains? Explain giving any five reasons.
7-Why is the air transport becoming more popular in the world day by day ins pite of its high cost? Explain any five suitable reasons.
8-State any five features of water transport, taking suitable examples of Suez and Panama Canal.
9-Road transport plays a vital role in the promotion of trade and tourism in the world. Support this statement with three suitable arguments.
10-Why road transport scores over the rail transport? State three reasons giving examples from the world.
11-How are trans-continental railways playing an important role in the economic development of their regions? Explain with three examples of trans-continental railways.

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