Sunday 27 December 2015


MLL Questions
1-Define the term “settlement”.
2-What are rural settlements?
3-Which form of settlements develops along either side of roads?
4-What is urbanization?
5-Name any one million plus city from Africa.
6-In which year Addis Ababa was established.
7-Who prepared the plan of Canberra city ?
8-What is a healthy city?
9-Which is the largest city in the world in terms of population?

QUESTIONS (03 marks each)
1-Distinguished between compact and scattered settlements.
2- Distinguished between administrative and cultural settlement.
3-Give suggestions to stop the unhealthy expansion of the million plus cities in India.
4-Name any three types of rural settlements that are very common in your immediate surroundings.

HOTS Questions:
1-Name any five types of rural settlements pattern developed in different parts of the world and write  one typical feature of each one.
2- Discuss the various functions of rural settlement?
3-Describe five environmental problems associated with urban settlements in the developing Countries of the world.
4- Describe the functional classification of town by giving suitable examples from different countries.
5-“Cities of developed and developing countries reflect marked differences in their planning and development” support the statement with suitable examples.
6-In your opinion what are the major reasons of increasing slums in India.
7-Give suggestions to tackle the environmental problems associated with urban settlements.

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