Thursday 19 November 2015


  1. Which soil is most useful for the production of cotton ?
  2. Define insolation .
  3. What is Loo ?
  4. What is light year ?
  5. What is rock cycle ?        
  6. Which gas comprises the maximum share in our atmosphere ?
  7. Define air mass .                                                         
  8. Which are Inner Planets ?                                                            
  9. What is full form of ITCZ ?
  10. On which mountain range “Dodabeta” peak situated ?   
  11. Main the major elements of climate/weather .
  12. Differentiate between Physical and Human Geography in three points.      
  13. How is atmosphere useful to us ?           
  14. Define the term Plate. Name the major plates .
  15. Name the various type of direct and indirect sources to get information about the interior of the earth.
  16. What is mean by Tillite ?
  17. What is meant by “Differentiation” ?
  18. Define western cyclonic distrubances .
  19. Name the different types of weathering .
  20. Explain the three type of plate boundaries.
  21. List up the factors affecting the distribution of insolation/temperature.
  22. Define biological weathering.
  23. Name the different physiographic divisions of India .       
  24. Describe the classification of rocks on the basis of   origin ..                                              
  25. Distinguish between endogenic and exogenic forces by giving sutaible examples      

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