Thursday 31 October 2013

PRIMARY ACTIVITIES ( Assignments for the Geography Students of Class XII )

Q 1 Which is the largest artificial lake on the earth and 
why it was built?                                        Marks (1)
Q 2 What is food security? 
Q 3 Which factors affect the mining activity? 
Q 4 What is 'Viticulture'?
Q 5 What are the uses of bauxite?     
Q 6 What is agricultural revolution?    
Q 7 Why cultivation of crops is limited to certain areas? 
Q 8 Why are tea plants grown on hill slopes? 
Q 9 Which criteria were used by D. Whittlessey to classify agricultural regions of the world? 
Q 10 What do you mean by slash and burn agriculture? 
                                                                                      Marks (3)
Q 11 Future of shifting cultivation is bleak. Discuss Discus.         Q 12 What is industrial revolution?  
Q 13 Why iron is most widely used metal?     
Q 14 What is mining?             
Q 15 Describe the underground mining method or shaft method. 
Q 16 Group the following in two groups: Rye, oats, sugarcane, coffee, sugarbeet and rubber. 
Q 17 What are the characteristics of subsistence agriculture? 
Q 18  Suggest three effective measures of food security? 
                                                                                      Marks (5)
Q 19 Differentiate between Nomadic Herding and Commercial Livestock rearing.     
Q 20 "Large scale dairy farming is the result of the development of transportation and refrigeration". Explain the statement. 
Q 21 Market gardening is practiced near urban areas. Why?   
Q 22 What is the difference between primary activities and secondary activities?       
Q 23 Classify the human economic activities.   
Q 24 What do you mean by lumbering and lumberjack? 

Q 25 Give a brief account of the iron-ore distribution in the world. 

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