Thursday 31 October 2013

SECONDARY ACTIVITIES ( Assignments for Geography Students of Class XII )


Q 1 What is a basic industry?                                Mark (1)
Q 2 What do you mean by manufacturing industries? 
Q 3 Name the most important industrial region of Europe. 
Q 4 Classify industries based on ownership. 
Q 5 Name the major type of manufacturing industries of the world. 
Q 6 Define the term “Hinterland”. 
Q 7 Name any three major iron producing regions located in U.S.A. 
Q 8 Give two examples of technopolies in the world. 
Q 9 Name the leading producer of steel in Europe. 
Q 10 Name the countries producing more than half of the world’s raw cotton. 
Q 11 Where is Sillicon valley located? 
Q 12 What is cottage industry? 
Q 13 What is industry? 
Q 14 Define consumer goods industry. 

Q 15 How is iron extracted from iron ore?      Marks (3)              Q 16 What are secondary activities? Why are they called secondary? 
Q 17 Give any two examples each of Basic and Consumer goods industries. 
Q 18 Why are the developed regions of Europe, North America and South Asia known as “Global Markets”? 
Q 19 Why are secondary activities important? 
Q 20 Give one example each for the following industries.
1) Food processing industry
2) Non-metallic mineral industry 
3) Chemical industry
4) Animal based industry
Q 21 What do you mean by Agro Business? Give an example. 
Q 22 Explain how raw material plays an important role in the location of an industry? 
Q 23 Write briefly about small-scale industry. 
Q 24 Africa has immense natural resources and yet it is industrially the most backward continent. Comment.                                       
Q 25 What are the advantages of a footloose industry? 
Q 26 Discuss the different types of manufacturing industries based on size. 
Q 27 Write a short note on the Ruhr Coal field of Germany. 
Q 28 Why cotton textile industry is considered profitable for investment? 
Q 29 Give locational factors of industries. 

Q 30 What is the basis of classifying industries?   Marks (5)
Q 31 Differentiate between Cottage and Large scale industries. 
Q 32 Discuss in detail the distribution of iron and steel industry in the world.               
Q 33 Write a short note on the following in 30 words:  
1. High – Tech Industry                 2. Manufacturing

Q 34 State the importance of manufacturing industries in the economic development of the country. 

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