Sunday 27 October 2013

INTERNATIONAL TRADE (PART-A) ( Assignment for Geography Students of Class XII )

        FUNDAMENTAL OF HUMAN GEOGRAPHY                
Q 1 What is the meaning of Trade?           
Q 2 What is International trade?               
Q 3 What is the balance of trade?            
Q 4 Which are the important trading blocks?        
Q 5 What is bileteral trade?       
Q 6 Why international trade exists? 
Q 7 What are the different types of Trade?                          
Q 8 What do you mean by “Economic Barometer”? 
Q 9 Which agreement was signed in 1948 to liberalise high custom tariffs and other restrictions on goods and services? 
Q 10 Where are the WTO headquarters located?              
Q 11 Which form of trade was practised in primitive societies? 
Q 12 Define volume of trade.                                                   
Q 13 Name the five greatest trading nations of the world. 
Q 14 What are out ports? Give an example.         
 Q 15 Why sea ports are called the gateways of International trade? 
Q 16 What benefits do nations get by forming trading blocs?  Q 17 Give the full form of following Regional Trade Blocs.         
      1) ASEAN                       2) NAFTA                   3) SAFTA                                              4) LAIA
Q 18 List any four geographical conditions necessary for the development of an idea port. 
Q 19 Why is it detrimental for a nation to have negative balance of payments? 
Q 20 Name the countries constituting OPEC.                      
 Q 21 Distinguish between imports and exports. 
Q 22 Distinguish between bilateral trade and multilateral trade.                 
Q 23 What is world trade organisation? 
Q 24 Write a short note on direction of trade?                      
Q 25 Distinguish between Outports and Inland ports.
Q 26 What was the main cause for the decline in trade of primary goods in India in recent times? 
Q 27 “Trade is the base of the world economy in modern times”. Justify the statement with any three arguments. 
Q 28 On the given map of the world, name and mark the greatest trading nations of the world. 
Q 29 Discuss the factors which form the base of International Trade.  
Q 30 What are the three important components of International trade? 
Q 31 What is vertical trade?   
Q 32 “ International trade is beneficial to both, exporting and importing countries.” Discuss. 
Q 33 Discuss the major changes in sectoral composition of trade in the present day world. 

Q 34 Explain the growing importance of regional trade blocks in international trade with special reference to EU, ASEAN and OPEC. 

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