Sunday 27 October 2013

LAND FORMS AND THEIR EVOLUTION ( Assignment for the Geography Students of Class XI )

Q 1 What are Continental Glaciers? 
Q 2 Define Potholes. 
Q 3 Name some depositional Land-forms of running water.   
Q 4 Name the two important components of running water. 
Q 5 Define the term “plunge pools”. 
Q 6 What do you mean by “point bars”? 
Q 7 How is an Ox Bow Lake formed? 
Q 8 What is a sinkhole? 
Q 9 Underground flow of water is more common than surface run off in limestone areas. Why? 
Q 10 Mention the different type of Sand dunes.     
Q 11 What do Entrenched meanders indicate? 
Q 12 How are cirques formed? 
Q 13 How is a cliff formed?         
Q 14 What are Glacial trough? 
Q 15 What is outwash deposits?
Q 16 What are drumlins?  
Q 17 How does delta formed? 
Q 18 What type of land forms dominates the eastern and the western coast of India? 
Q 19 Write down a major point of difference between stalactites and stalagmites. 
Q 20 How are Uvulas formed? 
Q 21 How do glaciers accomplish the work of reducing high mountains into low hills and plains? 
Q 22 What are Barchans? 
Q 23 What are Alluvial fans? 
Q 24 What are the Erosional land forms of winds in a desert? 
Q 25 What are Eskers?          
Q 26 What are Moraines? What are the different types of Moraines? 
Q 27 How are flood plains and natural levees formed. 
Q 28 What are Braided channels? 
Q 30 What are the difference between Gorge and Canyon? 
Q 31 Explain the evolution of the Land forms
Q 32 Define Land form.  
Q 33 Name any three erosional land forms, each formed by the action of winds and glaciers. 
Q 34 Differentiate V-shaped and U shaped valley. 

Q 35 Running water is the most dominating geomorphic agent engaged in shaping the earth’s surface in humid as well as in arid climates. Explain. 

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