Sunday 27 October 2013

Assignment for the Geography Students of Class XI from SOLAR RADIATION, HEAT BALANCE AND TEMPERATURE


Q 1 How do winds affect the temperature of a place?       
Q 2 What is direct solar Radiation?                 
Q 3 What is convection?    
Q 4 How is temperature affected by clouds? 
Q 5 What is Air Drainage?      
Q 6 What are the Isotherms?
Q 7 What is insolation?    
Q 8 What is Albedo?
Q 9 Name the factors controlling temperature distribution.
Q 10 What are Equinoxes? 
Q 11 Define Solar Radiation.      
Q 12 How distance from the sea is influences the temperature? Explain.            
Q 13 Explain how altitude affects temperature?    
Q 14 Write a short note on Heat Budget? 
Q 15 What is the effect of the tilt in the axis of earth on insolation ariation?            
Q 16 How does latitude affect the amount of radiation received by the earth? 
Q 17 How does latitude affect the temperature of a place? 
Q 18 How does ocean current affect the temperature of a place? 
Q 19 What is advection?            
Q 20 Why are temperature reduced to sea level before isothermal map are drawn? 
Q 21 Define variation in the Net Heat Budget at the Earth's surface.         
Q 22 Why is inversion of temperature important? 
Q 23 What are the general characteristics of isotherms?    
Q 24 Define Inversion of Temperature. 
Q 25 What is Terrestrial Radiation? 

Q 26 What do you understand by vertical distribution of temperature? 

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