Thursday 31 October 2013

WATER (OCEANS) ( Assignment for the Geography Students of Class XI )


Q 1 Name the deepest trench of oceans. 
Q 2 Name the major oceanic water bodies. 
Q 3 What is continental shelf? 
Q 4 What is continental slope? 
Q 5 What is continental rise? 
Q 6 What is a submarine trench?  
Q 7 What is submarine canyon? 
Q 8 What is Guyot? 
Q 9 What do you understand by the term Reef? 
Q 10 What do you understand by the term 'Atoll'? 
Q 11 What is hydrography?  
Q 12 What is continuous evapotranspiration? 
Q 13 Name the largest barrier reef of the world. Where it is located? 
Q 14 Name the two major banks of the world? 
Q 15 Write a short note on ocean basin. 
Q 16 Write a short note on the Abyssal plain. 
Q 17 Why do we call the earth the' blue planet'? 
Q 18 Write a note on the mid-oceanic ridge.  
Q 19 What is continental margin? 
Q 20 What is Thermocline?  
Q 21 What is salinity of ocean water? 
Q 22 Distinguish between the submarine trenches and the canyon.  
Q 23 Write a note on the role of oceans in hydrological cycle.Draw a suitable diagram. 
Q 24 What are the various components of water cycle? 
Q 25 What are the various processes by which the water moves through the water cycle? 
Q 26 Distinguish between sea mount and Guyot. 
Q 27 Define temperature of the ocean water. Explain the distribution of temperature in the ocean water. 
Q 28 Distinguish between the continental shelf and the continental slope. 
Q 29 Distinguish between the features of the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. 
Q 30 Describe the bottom relief features of the ocean floor.  
Q 31 Define salinity. What are the factors that affect the distribution of salinity in the oceans? 

Q 32 What are the factors that influence temperature distribution of the ocean floor? 

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