Sunday 27 October 2013

COMPOSITION AND STRUCTURE OF ATMOSPHERE ( Assignment for the Geography Students of Class XI )

Q 1 What role does water vapour play in the weather process? 
Q 2 What is the difference between weather and climate? 
Q 3 What is the significance of the ozone layer?        
Q 4 What is Tropopause?       
Q 5 Describe the Mesosphere. 
Q 6 What is Normal Lapse Rate of Temperature  ? 
Q 7 What are the elements of weather and climate? 
Q 8 Describe the Troposphere. 
Q 9 What is the composition of the atmosphere? 
Q 10 Define Atmosphere. 
Q 11 Name the layers of the atmosphere. 
Q 12 What do you mean by aerosols ? 
Q 13 Which layer reflects the radio waves back to the earth? 
Q 14 Which gases do not take part in chemical reactions? 
Q 15 Name the gas which has got great importance in maintaining the earth’s climatic conditions. 
Q 16 In which layer does aeroplanes fly and why? 
Q 17 What is the importance of atmosphere to man? 
Q 18 Why troposphere is the most important layer? 
Q 19 Give example of few sources of dust particles in the atmosphere. 
Q 20 How is the atmosphere held to the earth? 
Q 22 Name the lower most and uppermost layers of the atmosphere. 
Q 23 Why has there been an increase in temperature of the atmosphere? 
Q 24 What is the importance of carbon dioxide?     
Q 25 What is the characteristics of the stratosphere.     
Q 26 Why are water vapour and dust particles important elements in weather and climate? 
Q 28 Why does the height of troposphere vary? 
Q 29 What are the characteristics of the Stratosphere? 
Q 30 Draw a suitable diagram of the structure of the atmosphere and label it. 

Q 31 Differentiate between Troposphere and Stratosphere. 

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