Saturday 2 November 2013

NATURAL HAZARDS AND DISASTERS ( Assignments for Geography Students of Class XI )


Q 1 What are natural hazards? Marks (1)
Q 2 What do you know about the Disaster Management Bill 2005?  
Q 3 Name some common natural hazards. 
Q 4 What is landslide? 
Q 5 Name high and very high risk seismic areas of India. 
Q 6 Mention some effects of landslides on humans. 
Q 7 How can human live with earthquakes? Suggest some measures. 
                                                                              Marks (3)
Q 8 Suggest some measures which may reduce the incidence of landslides.                            
Q 9 What are the basic requirements for the formation of cyclone? 
Q 10 What is disaster? 
Q 11 Describe the factors that affect the intensity of disasters in a country. 
Q 12 What do you understand by ‘Drought’? 
Q 13 Why more earthquakes occur in the Himalayas and in the northern region of India. 
Q 14 Name the disaster caused by the developmental activities of man.
                                                                              Marks (5)
Q 15 On the out line map of India, show the earthquake hazard prone areas.                              
Q 16 Identify the landslide-prone regions of India. Suggest some measures to mitigate the disasters caused by them. 
Q 17 Define tsunamis and what are the causes of tsunamis?  
Q 18 What are the flood prone areas in India? What are the do’s and don’ts people should follow in the flood affected areas? 
Q 19 Write a note on the types of drought and drought prone areas in India. 
Q 20 On the outline map of India, give the description of the tropical cyclone hazard zones. 
Q 21 What are the most important measures to mitigate the earthquake hazards? 

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