Thursday 31 October 2013

WATER IN THE ATMOSPHERE ( Assignment for the Geography Students of Class XI )


Q 1 What are the different forms of condensation? 
Q 2 What is condensation?         
Q 3 What is potential evaporation?      
Q 4 What is sublimation?       
Q 5 What are High clouds?                                       
Q 6 What is adventure Fog? 
Q 7 What is latent Heat?                                                       
Q 8 Define Rain shadow area.                              
Q 9 What is Sleet?                                            
Q 10 Define Precipitation.
Q 11 Define relative humidity.                             
Q 12 What is Absolute humidity?                           
Q 13 What is Evaporation?                                      
Q 14 What is the process of cloud formation?       
Q 15 What is the function of hydroscopic nuclei in condensation process? 
Q 16 Water found in atmosphere in very small amount but it is very important, why?                      
Q 17 Explain adiabatic lapse rate. 
Q 18 What is Orographic precipitation?                              
Q 19 What is Specific humidity?                             
Q 20 What are the different types of clouds?                  
Q 21 How are clouds formed?                             
Q 22 Discuss different types of distribution of rain fall.  
Q 23 Discuss different types of rainfall?  
Q 24 What is precipitation, discuss different form of precipitation? 
Q 25 What is the difference between the frost and  fog formation? 
Q 26 Discuss the condition favorable for the formation of dew. 
Q 27 What are the two factors that affect the amount of relative humidity? Discuss briefly.          
Q 28 What is humidity? Discuss different kinds of humidity?       

Q 29 What is evaporation? Which factors affect the rate of evaporation of a place?   

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