Monday 28 October 2013

SOILS , India Physical Environment (Assignment for Geography Students of Class XI )


Q 1 What do you mean by humus? 
Q 2 What are ravines? Where are these found in India? 
Q 3 What is the main cause of soil erosion? 
Q 4 What are the main characteristics of fertile soil? 
Q 5 Name the four constituents of soil.
Q 6 Mention the three horizons of soil. 
Q 7 What do you understand by ‘pedology’? 
Q 8 What is soil? 
Q 9 What do you mean by loams? 
Q 10 What is the process of Pedogenesis? 
Q 11 Name three measures to conserve soil. 
Q 12 Classify the two main groups of soils during the ancient times in India. 
Q 13 Name the two government bodies under the ICAR responsible for classifying soils in India. 
Q 14 Which type of soil is found in sandy desert areas of India? 
Q 15 Name the two types of alluvial soils found in the Northern India. 
Q 16 Write the full form of the following bodies in India:       1) CAZRI        2) ICAR
Q 17 What do you mean by badland topography? Write down an example. 
Q 18 Name the two states of India experiencing the problem of salinity of soils. 
Q 19 Which type of soil is derived from the Deccan lava? Explain two important characteristics of this soil. 
Q 20 Classify the soils of India on the basis of their colour and composition. 
Q 21 How is humus formed? What is its significance for soil fertility? 
Q 22 What are red soils? Where are they found? 
Q 23 Distinguish between the alluvial soil and black soil. 
Q 24 What is contour ploughing? How can we guard against the danger of soil exhaustion? 
Q 25 What is the role of parent material in the soil formation? 
Q 26 What methods should be used to improve soil fertility? 
Q 27 What is the classification of soil given by the ICAR(Indian council of agricultural reaserch)? 
Q 28 Distinguish between the Regur Soil and the Laterite Soil. 
Q 29 Discuss in brief the different horizons of soil. 
Q 30 What is soil? Discuss four major factors of pedogenesis.
Q 31 What is soil erosion? In what different ways does it occur? What methods have been used to check soil erosion? 
Q 32 Describe the causes of soil erosion.
Q 33 Write a short note on conservation of soil. 
Q 34 Give the description of the major soils of India.  
Q 35 Highlight the important characteristic features of black soils. 
Q 36 On the given map of India, mark the different types of soils.

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