Monday 28 October 2013

NATURAL VEGETATION ( Assignment for the Geography Students of Class XI )

Q 1 What is natural vegetation?
Q 2 What is meant by conservation? 
Q 3 What does the word forest denote? 
Q 4 In which part of the world, tropical deciduous forests are found? 
Q 5 In which climatic conditions, citrus fruits are cultivated? 
Q 6 Mention the uses of coniferous forests. 
Q 7 In which part of the world is seasonal grassland found? 
Q 8 Which are the two factors on which the growth of vegetation mostly depends? 
Q 9 Name two hardwood trees commonly found in tropical evergreen forests. 
Q 10 Distinguish between flora and fauna. 
Q 11 Describe the ecological efficiency. 
Q 12 “India has extremely rich and wide variety of fauna.” Explain this statement. 
Q 13 Write the measures which is fit for the protection of wildlife. 
Q 14 Examine the significance of photosynthesis. 
Q 15 What do you mean by wildlife sanctuary? 
Q 16 Define Eco-system, Food chain and Food web. 
Q 17 Distinguish between the Thorne forests and the Mangrove forests. 
Q 18 What steps have been taken up to conserve forests? 
Q 19 What are the most important reasons behind the depletion of wildlife areas? 
Q 20 Describe the importance of Social Forestry in India. 
Q 21 Describe the distribution and characteristics of different types of forests found in India. 
Q 22 Differentiate between the Tropical Evergreen Forests and Tropical Deciduous Forests. 
Q 23 On an outline map of India, label the following:           
1. Rain forests.2. Tropical deciduous forests. 3.   Montane forests.

4. Mangrove forests. 5. Tropical thorn forests.
Q 24 What is a Biosphere reserve? What are their uses? 

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