Sunday 27 October 2013

CLIMATE ( Assignment for the Geography Students of Class XI F )

India Physical Environment -Part B
(Chapter Climate)

Q 1 What is Coriolis force? 
Q 2 Mention the most comfortable areas of India in cold weather season. 
Q 3 Mention local names of thunderstorms of Assam and Bengal .
Q 4 What do you understand by seasons? 
Q 5 What do you understand by the term ‘Climate’? 
Q 6 What do you understand by upper air circulation? 
Q 7 What do you understand by the term ‘Loo’? 
Q 8 How will you define ‘South-West Moonsoon’? 
Q 9 Discuss the reasons for uneven distribution of rainfall in India.  
Q 10 What are the causes of wind reversal? 
Q 11 What do you understand by Rain Shadow region? 
Q 12 Describe the characteristics of the rainy season. 
Q 13 How the Himalayas influence the Indian climate? 
Q 14 Explain why Chennai receives more rainfall in winter than in summer. 
Q 15 What is the meaning of the term ITCZ? 
Q 16On the outline map of India show the annual rainfall.
Q 17 Which are the coldest parts in India and why? 
Q 18 What are the traditional Indian Seasons? 
Q 19 Give a detailed description of the Climatic Divisions of India.  
Q 20 Describe the distribution of temperature during summer and winter season in India. 
Q 21 What are the various concepts of the origin of monsoon. 
Q 22 What are the factors affecting Indian climate? 
Q 23 What is the relationship between El-Nino and Indian Monsoon? 
Q 24 Write a note on the nature of the Indian monsoon. 

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