Saturday 2 November 2013

DRAINAGE SYSTEM ( Assignments for the Students of Class XI )

Q 1 Define the drainage system.                            Mark (1)
Q 2 What do you understand by Natural Drainage Pattern? 
Q 3 Define Drainage Basins. 
Q 4 What is a watershed? 
Q 5 Write the names of the basins formed by the Peninsular rivers. 
Q 6 How much water of Indus can be used by India as per the treaty with Pakistan? 
Q 7 Define drainage. 
Q 8 Define the term watershed. 
Q 9 What do you mean by Inland Drainage? 
Q 10 What is an estuary? 
Q 11 What do you mean by catchment area? 
Q 12 Classify the river systems of India on the basis of mode of origin, nature and characteristics. 
Q 13 What do you mean by dendritic pattern of a river system? 
Q 14 What are the courses of the Ganga, Brahmaputra and Indus river systems? 
Q 15 Name the three important tributaries of River Kaveri. 
Q 16 Name the two rivers of India that flow through rift valleys. 
Q 17 Name the two headstreams of the Ganga River that unite at Devprayag. 
Marks (3)
Q 18 Write a short note on the second largest east flowing river of Peninsular River System. 
Q 19 Why the regimes of rivers in South India witness fluctuations as compared to the rivers of North
Q 20 Differentiate river basin and watershed. 
Q 21 What are the socio-economic advantages of interlinking of rivers in India? 
Q 22 Mention any four problems associated with Indian rivers. 
Q 23 Write the salient features of the Ganga-Brahmaputra Delta. 
Q 24 Describe some characteristic features of the Brahmputra River. 
Q 25 Distinguish between the Consequent and Antecedent rivers. 
Q 26 What are the characteristics of the North Indian rivers? 
Q 27 What do you understand by the term ‘river regime’? 
Q 28 Classify the drainage basin of India on the basis of size of the watershed. 
                                                                               Marks (5)            
Q 29 Distinguish between the Himalayan Rivers and the Peninsular rivers.   
Q 30 How the regime of the Himalayan rivers differ from the Peninsular rivers? 
Q 31 Distinguish between the East flowing rivers and the West flowing rivers. 
Q 32 What are the different patterns of drainage? 
Q 33 What is Indo-Brahma theory and how it explains the origin of Himalayas as the geologist believe?       Also mention the two principal grounds on which this theory has been discarded. 
Q 34 Write a note on the river basin of the Ganga River.  
Q 35 Write a note on the Indus River system.  

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