Sunday 3 November 2013

INTERIOR OF THE EARTH ( Assignment for the Geography Students of Class XI )

Q 1 What is Asthenosphere ?                                     Mark (1)
Q 2 What is the radius of the earth's core?       
Q 3 Name the sources of heat inside the earth. 
Q 4 What are the three types of earthquake waves? 
Q 5 What is the temperature of the core? 
Q 6 Name the two types of forces which are responsible for changing the face of the earth.      
Q 7 What are the two types of body waves? 
Q 8 Define Seismograph?   
Q 9 What are the two main materials found in the core? 
Q 10 Name the three layers of the Earth. 
Q 11 What is the mean density of oceanic crust? 
Q 12 Where does the shadow zone of P waves appear? 
Q 13 Name the major types of earthquake waves. 
Q 14 What is fault? 
Q 15 What does Mohorovicic discontinuity mean? 
Q 16 Define lithosphere. 
Q 17 Name the direct sources of information about the interior of the earth.                                               Marks (3)
Q 18 How do the earthquake waves behave when subjected to the rocks of the earth mantle?
Q 19 What are the indirect sources to collect information about the earth’s interior? 
Q 20 Define surface waves. Mention the types of surface waves. 
Q 21 What do you understand by body waves? Also, mention their types. 
Q 22 How does the gravity help us to know about the interior of the earth? 
Q 23 Why does an earthquake occur? Explain. 
Q 24 Differentiate crust and mantle. 
Q 25 Describe the Earth's mantle. 
Q 27 Why do earthquake waves develop shadow zone? 
Q 28 What are the major intrusive landforms formed by volcanoes? 
Q 29 What do you mean by shadow zone? What does it show? Explain it with a diagram. 
Q 30 Write a short note on the propagation of earthquake waves and their effects on the rocks they pass through. 
Q 31 How are earthquake events scaled?       Marks (5)
Q 32 Briefly describe the various layers of the earth’s interior.   Q 33 Briefly describe the various types of volcanoes on the basis of the form developed at the surface. 

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