Saturday 2 November 2013

INDIA-LOCATION ( Assignment for the Geography Students of Class XI )

Q 1 What is the latitudinal extent of India?               Mark (1)
Q 2 After whom is India known as Bharat? 
Q 3 What is the length of the coastline of India? 
Q 4 What is an Archipelago? 
Q 5 Why do we need the Standard Meridian of India? Give two reasons. 
Q 6 What is the distance per degree of latitude? 
Q 7 What is the total North-South extent of India in km? 
Q 8 Which states of India have common frontiers with China? 
Q 9 What is the location of tropical zone? 
Q 10 Who called Sindhu as Indus? 
Q 11 What is the longitudinal extent of India? 
Q 12 Mention the land boundary and total length of the coastline of mainland including Andaman and Nicobar islands and Lakshadweep. 
Q 13 What is the position of India in terms of area and population? 
Q 14 Name two neighbouring countries each on the west and east of India. 
Q 15 Where is the Tarim basin located? 
Q 16 Name the neighbouring countries of India. 
Q 17 What is the total area of India?  
Q 18 Name the latitude that passes through the centre of India? 
Q 19 Which ocean route links India with Europe? 
Q 20 What is the real source of strength of India? 
Q 21 What is the east-west and north-south areal extension of India in Km? 
Q 22 Name two towns located on the Tropic of Cancer in India. 
Q 23 Name the two towns located on 82º30’E longitudein India. 
Q 24 Name the state which is having the longest coastline.                                                                                                  Marks (3)
Q 25 What do you understand by ‘maritime’? 
Q 26 How long is the Indian coastline on being included in the island group? 
Q 27 What is McMohan Line? What does it signify? 
Q 28 Should India need to have more than one standard time? Why do you think so? 
Q 29 What do you understand by 'Prime Meridian'? 
Q 30 Why it is that Ahmedabad in the west and Kolkata in the east are able to see the noon-sun exactly twice a year, but not Delhi? 
Q 31 What is a sub-continent? Why is India called as sub-continent? 
Q 32 Describe the longitudinal extent of India and its advantages. 
Q 33 “India is neither a pigmy nor a giant among the nations of the world.” Explain this statement by giving three specific examples.    
Q 34 Why do we need a standard meridian for India? 
Q 35 Why is the sun inclined sometimes to the north and                  sometime to south at midday in Hyderabad but not in New          Delhi? 
Q 36 Why is Indian sub-continent considered a distinct geographical unit? Give three reasons in support of your answer. 
Q 37 How does longitudinal extent of India affect it? Explain with three examples. 
Q 38 Mention the two geographical features which have played a great unifying role in strengthening the forces of homogeneity in the Indian people. 
Q 39 Show the location of Indian sub-continent on the map of Asia.  
Q 40 In the political map of India show delhi and one union territory with the latitudinal and longitudinal extent of India. 
Q 41 Write a note on “Unity in Diversity”.          Marks (5)
Q 42 Explain the importance of geographical location of India. 
Q 43 Abundant sunshine from the tropical sun and splashing rains from the monsoon winds exert a tremendous impact on the destiny of the teeming millions of India. Explain. 
Q 44 On the outline map of India locate the following:
1. Southern most point of the mainland of India          
 2.    Central meridian      3.     Tropic of Cancer

4.East to West extent of India 5. North to South extent of India

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