Saturday 2 November 2013

STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOGRAHPY ( Assignment for the Geography Students of Class XI )

Q 1 Mention two characteristics of Great Himalayas.  Mark (1)
Q 2 Which two forces are responsible for shaping the present geographical features of India? 
Q 3 How was the Arabian Sea formed?          
Q 4 What are the different names given to Western Ghats in Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu?     
Q 5 Mention the names of continents that were previously the part of Godwanaland. 
Q 6 What is a horst?                     
Q 7 What are the three parallel ranges of the Himalayas?           
Q 8 Write the names of some mountain ranges in the Middle Himalayas (Himachal). 
Q 9 Write the names of some tourist places (towns) in middle Himalayas (Himachal).      
Q 10 Where is Purvanchal located?            
Q 11 What do you understand by Khadar?         
Q 12 What do you understand by the term Bangar? 
Q 13 Write the chief characteristics of the Eastern Ghats.                                                                                                 Marks (3)
Q 14 Which states are located in western, central and eastern Himalayas?     
Q 15 What is the length and width of the three ranges of Himalayas.         
Q 16 Give an account of the distinct land features of the Great Plains.     
Q 17 Describe how the Northern Plains were formed.           
Q 18 What are the different landforms found in the northern plains?                    
Q 19  Describe the features of Central Highlands.    
Q 20 What is the meaning of ‘Tarai’?       
Q 21 What do you understand by the term ‘Doab’? Give few examples from the Indian sub-continent.       Marks (5)              
Q22Describe the characteristics of theCentral Highlands.           
Q 23 On the outline map of India show the following:
    1. Pamir knot               2. Nanga parvat    3. Mt. Everest    
    4. Cardimum hills        5. Garo Hills         6. Khasi Hills
     7. Jaintia Hills            8. Vindhyan ranges            
     9. Satpura range        10.National water divide
Q 24 Describe the formation of Himalayas in detail. 
Q 25  Describe the features of the Western coastal Plains with diagram. 
Q 26 Distinguish between the Northern Plains and the Peninsular plateau. 
Q 27  Describe the features of the Island Groups of India.      
Q 28  Describe the salient features of the Eastern Coastal Plains. 
Q 29 Distinguish between the Folding and Faulting.With the help of diagram. 
Q 30 Distinguish between the Western Himalayas and the Eastern Himalayas. With the help of diagram. 
Q 31  Give a detailed account of the Himalayas.     
Q 32 On the outline map of India show any ten rivers: 
      1. Indus River      2. Ganga River          3. Brahmputra River
      4. Narmada River     5. Tapti River        6. Mahanadi River
       7. Krishna River        8. Kaveri River      9. Godavari River
    10. Luni River                 11. Yamuna River
Q 33 Distinguish between the Western Coastal Plains and the Eastern Coastal Plains. 

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