Saturday 2 November 2013

WORLD CLIMATE AND CLIMATE CHANGE ( Assignment for Geography Student of Class XI )

Q 1 What is temperate continental climate?       Mark (1)
Q 2 Why did Trewartha recognized only a limited number of climatic types?    
Q 3What climatic data are used in Koeppens scheme of classifying climates?
Q 4 What is a climatic region? 
Q 5 Name the two well known classifications of climate. 
Q 6 Where is humid sub tropical climate commonly found? 
Q 7 If sun spots increase, what type of climatic conditions would prevail? 
Q 8 What do you mean by steppe type of climate? 
Q 9 Name any four areas where marine west coast climate (Cfb) is found. 
Q 10 Where is cold snow forest climate found? What are its sub-types? 
Q 11 List the human causes of global warming.  Marks (3)
Q 12 How is genetic system of classification different from empirical classification? 
Q 13 What is the reason behind global climate change? 
Q 14 Highlight the important feature of ice cap climate (EF). 
Q 16 State the temperature variations observed in A, C and E types of climate. 
Q 17 In which climatic type are the tropical evergreen forests found? What are the characteristics of this type of climate? 
Q 18 “Carbon dioxide constitutes the largest concentration among the other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere”. What are the sources of carbon dioxide in the air? 
Q 19 What is the importance of ozone gas? 
Q 20 What type of vegetation would you find in C type (warm temperate) of climate?     
Q 21 Write a short note on global climatic changes.  Marks (5)
Q 22 What are Green house gases?                         
Q 23 Describe polar climate.                             
Q 24 Distinguish between Genetic, Applied and Empirical classification of climate.                  
Q 25 What is global warning? 
Q 26 Describe Ice Cap Climate(EF). 
Q 27 What is the characteristic of Mediterranean climate?         
Q 28 What is the green house effect?                                  
Q 29 How human activities add methane and carbon-dioxide to the atmosphere.                 
Q 30 What criteria was followed by Koeppen to classify climate? 
Q 31 What are the important features of tropical humid climate? 
Q 32 Make a comparison between climatic condition of “A” and “B” types of climate. 
Q 33 What are the causes of climate change in the world? 
Q 34 Write in detail the climatic types and sub-type of Koeppen.  
Q 35 On the given map of the world, mark the following according to the climatic classification given by Koeppen.
1) Distribution of A – Tropical humid climate in world
2) Distribution of H – Highland climate in world 

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