Tuesday 5 November 2013

THE WORLD POPULATION DISTRIBUTION, DENSITY AND GROWTH ( Assignment for the Geography Students of Class XII )


Q 1 What are different patterns of migration?    Mark (1)
Q 2 Distinguish between immigration and emigration.       
Q 3 Define the significance of population growth. 
Q 4 Write down the components of population change. 
Q 5 Why people migrate? 
Q 6 What was the total world’s population in the beginning of the twenty first century? 
Q 7 Write down the current growth ratio of population of the world. 
Q 8 What do you mean by population axis of Europe? 
Q 9 What is density of population? 
Q 10 What is Agricultural density of population? 
Q 11 What is Physiological density? 
Q 12 On the outline map of the world, show two countries which have negative growth of population.
Q 13 On the outline map of the world, show any two countries which have growth of more than 3%. 
Q 14 On the outline map of the world, show least densely populated region. One each in  Africa, Asia,  Europe,Latin America and Oceania. 
Q 15 Define:                                            Marks (3)        
1. Growth Rate of Population.     
2.Natural Growth of Population.
 3.Positive Growth of Population. 
Q 16 Name the three factors influencing the distribution of population. 
Q 17 What is demographic cycle?             
Q 18 What is Migration?     
Q 19 Explain the Push and Pull factor. 
Q 20 What is density of population?   
Q 21 What is the pattern of population distribution in the world? 
Q 22 What are the impacts of population change? 
Q 23 Describe the Malthus theory of population? 
Q 24 What is seasonal migration? 
Q 25 How science and technology helped population growth? 
Q 26 Name the factors influencing the distribution of population in the world. 
Q 27 Define different types of migrations.    Marks (5)
Q 28 What are the three stages of Demographic Transition Theory? 
Q 29 Write down the factors which influence the distribution of population. 
Q 30 What do you mean by doubling time of countries population? 
Q 31 Describe in brief the different trends of population growth in the world. 

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