Sunday 3 November 2013

DISTRIBUTION OF OCEANS AND CONTINENTS ( Assignment for the Students of Class XI )


Q 1 What is PANTHALASSA?                                        Mark (1)
Q 2 Name the center of volcanic activity. 
Q 3 Name the continent which broke from Pangaea. 
Q 4 What is the periodic change in the position of magnetic pole called? 
Q 5 How was pangaea split? 
Q 6 Who first propounded the theory of continental drift?  
Q 7 What is Pangaea?    
Q 8 Name the two components in which Pangaea got split. 
Q 9 Which plate is mainly composed of oceanic crust? 
Q 10 Write down any two examples of major tectonic plates of the world. 
Q 11 Name the two forces that were responsible for drifting of the continents. 
Q 12 Name the three major divisions of the ocean floor. 
Q 13 Define the term “continent margins”. 
Q 14 Highlight the important characteristics of mid oceanic ridges. 
Q 15 What is subduction zone?                                  Marks (3)
Q 16 What was the location of the Indian Land Mass?   
Q 17 How are the convectional currents in the mantle initiated and maintained? 
Q 18 How does the movement of hot currents cause plate movement? 
Q 19 How did the scientists determine the rate of plate movement? 
Q 21 What was the mechanism based on which the theory of plate tectonics developed? 
Q 22 What is the major difference between the divergent boundaries and the convergent boundaries of plates? 
Q 23 What acts as the driving force for movement of plates?  
Q 24 What were the forces suggested by Wegener for the movement of the continents? 
Q 25 How did the Himalayas rise? 
Q 26 Name the major plates of the Earth? 
Q 27 What were the major discoveries that rejuvenated interest among scientists to study the distribution of oceans and continents? 
Q 28 On the outline  map of the world, name and mark the major plates of the world.
Q 29 Where are the plates given below located in the world?
1.  Cocos Plate                2.  Fuji Plate        3.  Caroline Plate
Q 30 Name the earthquake and volcanic zones of the world. 
Q 31 Explain the plate tectonic theory.              Marks (5)
Q 32 Differentiate continent drift theory and plate tectonics theory. 
Q 33 Explain the different components of the oceanic floor with the help of a diagram. 
Q 34 What were the evidences that led to the concept of continental drift theory? 

Q 35 Briefly describe the continental drift theory. 

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