Tuesday 5 November 2013

POPULATION COMPOSITION (PART-A) ( Assignment for the Geography Students of Class XII )


Q 1 What is literacy rate?                                 Mark (1)
Q 2 Name the continent having highest percentage of rural population. 
Q 3 What does rural - urban composition indicate? 
Q 4 How is the sex ratio measured? 
Q 5 What do you understand by population composition? 
Q 6 Explain the concept "sex ratio unfavorable to women"                                                          Marks (3)
Q 7 How does literacy indicate socio - economic  developments? 
Q 8 Explain Ageing Population.    
Q 9 Define age- sex pyramid.        
Q 10 What does Age Structure imply?            
Q 11 The shape of the population pyramid reflects the characteristics of the population. How?
Q 12 Define the factors which are responsible for the variations in the literacy level of the World.          
Q 13 Explain the inter link between population and development. 
Q 14 The rate of urbanization is accelerating in developing countries significantly. Why? 
Q 15 What is the significance of age structure? 
Q 16 Write three types of populations associated with three kinds of shapes of age pyramid. 
Q 17 Describe the rural and urban composition of the population. 
Q 18 What is sex ratio? Why is sex ratio imbalanced in the world?                                           Marks (5)
Q 19 What population characteristics are revealed by an age-sex pyramid having a regularly tapering pyramid? 
Q 20 What do you mean by occupational structure of population? 

Q 21 Distinguish between rural population and urban population. 

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