Wednesday 6 November 2013

HUMAN GEOGRAPHY NATURE AND SCOPE (Assignment for the Geography Students of Class XII )


Q 1 What is determinism?                            Mark (1)
Q 2 Name the French geographer who wrote Principles of Geographic Humaine. 
Q 3 What is the aim of human geography? 
Q 4 Name any four sub-fields of Human geography. 
Q 5 Name the geographer who came up with the concept of Neo-Determinism. 
Q 6 Name the important approach that emerged during 1930’s to study Human geography. 
Q 7 Name the school of thought which laid emphasis on the social well-being of people. 
Q 8 Name the school of thought which laid emphasis on the experiences and perceptions of space based on ethnicity, race and religion. 
Q 9 Name the important approaches that emerged during 1970’s to study Human geography. 
Q 10 Name the author of book “Geographia Generalis”. 
Q 11 Name the three schools of thought that lay emphasis on the study of man and environment relationships. 
Q 12 What was the main focus of Areal differentiation during 1930’s? 
Q 13 What was the main feature of Post Modernism in Geography?                                  Marks (3)
Q 14 What is the main objective of studying Human geography as a discipline of Geography? 
Q 15 State the difference between Deductive and Inductive Method of geographical study. 
Q 16 How can we say that Human geography has its deep roots in History? 
Q17 What do you mean by “Stop and Go determinism”? 
Q 18 What is the major difference between study of Physical geography and Human geography? 
Q 19 Why was the philosophy of determinism criticised? 
Q 20 What is environmental determinism? 
Q 21 Explain the concept of possibilism. 
Q 22 Define human geography. Name some of its sub fields. 
Q 23 Explain how Human geography emerged as an integrated and inter-related discipline during early 20thCentury? 
Q 24 Explain how Human geography progressed during Colonial period? 
Q 25 Which approach was used to study Human geography during late 1950’s? What were its features? 
Q 26 Name any three sub-fields each of Social geography and Economic geography.        Marks (5)
Q 27 Differentiate between Determinism and Possibilism. 
Q 28 What is the scope of Human geography? 
Q 29 Name the fields of Human geography reflecting a relation with the given field of other Social Sciences                                                      
1) Agricultural science                 2) Demography
3) Political science                       4) Urban social science 
Q 30 What are the Broad stages and Thrust of Human Geography? 
Q 31 Explain naturalisation of humans and Humanisation of Nature. 
Q 32 Define the term neo determinism. 
Q 33 Give names of the sister disciplines of Social Sciences that have concepts similar to that of the given sub-fields of Human geography.
1) Geography of Resources           2) Gender Geography
3) Historical Geography                 4) Geography of travel and tourism                                    5) Military Geography 

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