Thursday, 31 October 2013

PRIMARY ACTIVITIES ( Assignments for the Geography Students of Class XII )

Q 1 Which is the largest artificial lake on the earth and 
why it was built?                                        Marks (1)
Q 2 What is food security? 
Q 3 Which factors affect the mining activity? 
Q 4 What is 'Viticulture'?
Q 5 What are the uses of bauxite?     
Q 6 What is agricultural revolution?    
Q 7 Why cultivation of crops is limited to certain areas? 
Q 8 Why are tea plants grown on hill slopes? 
Q 9 Which criteria were used by D. Whittlessey to classify agricultural regions of the world? 
Q 10 What do you mean by slash and burn agriculture? 
                                                                                      Marks (3)
Q 11 Future of shifting cultivation is bleak. Discuss Discus.         Q 12 What is industrial revolution?  
Q 13 Why iron is most widely used metal?     
Q 14 What is mining?             
Q 15 Describe the underground mining method or shaft method. 
Q 16 Group the following in two groups: Rye, oats, sugarcane, coffee, sugarbeet and rubber. 
Q 17 What are the characteristics of subsistence agriculture? 
Q 18  Suggest three effective measures of food security? 
                                                                                      Marks (5)
Q 19 Differentiate between Nomadic Herding and Commercial Livestock rearing.     
Q 20 "Large scale dairy farming is the result of the development of transportation and refrigeration". Explain the statement. 
Q 21 Market gardening is practiced near urban areas. Why?   
Q 22 What is the difference between primary activities and secondary activities?       
Q 23 Classify the human economic activities.   
Q 24 What do you mean by lumbering and lumberjack? 

Q 25 Give a brief account of the iron-ore distribution in the world. 

SECONDARY ACTIVITIES ( Assignments for Geography Students of Class XII )


Q 1 What is a basic industry?                                Mark (1)
Q 2 What do you mean by manufacturing industries? 
Q 3 Name the most important industrial region of Europe. 
Q 4 Classify industries based on ownership. 
Q 5 Name the major type of manufacturing industries of the world. 
Q 6 Define the term “Hinterland”. 
Q 7 Name any three major iron producing regions located in U.S.A. 
Q 8 Give two examples of technopolies in the world. 
Q 9 Name the leading producer of steel in Europe. 
Q 10 Name the countries producing more than half of the world’s raw cotton. 
Q 11 Where is Sillicon valley located? 
Q 12 What is cottage industry? 
Q 13 What is industry? 
Q 14 Define consumer goods industry. 

Q 15 How is iron extracted from iron ore?      Marks (3)              Q 16 What are secondary activities? Why are they called secondary? 
Q 17 Give any two examples each of Basic and Consumer goods industries. 
Q 18 Why are the developed regions of Europe, North America and South Asia known as “Global Markets”? 
Q 19 Why are secondary activities important? 
Q 20 Give one example each for the following industries.
1) Food processing industry
2) Non-metallic mineral industry 
3) Chemical industry
4) Animal based industry
Q 21 What do you mean by Agro Business? Give an example. 
Q 22 Explain how raw material plays an important role in the location of an industry? 
Q 23 Write briefly about small-scale industry. 
Q 24 Africa has immense natural resources and yet it is industrially the most backward continent. Comment.                                       
Q 25 What are the advantages of a footloose industry? 
Q 26 Discuss the different types of manufacturing industries based on size. 
Q 27 Write a short note on the Ruhr Coal field of Germany. 
Q 28 Why cotton textile industry is considered profitable for investment? 
Q 29 Give locational factors of industries. 

Q 30 What is the basis of classifying industries?   Marks (5)
Q 31 Differentiate between Cottage and Large scale industries. 
Q 32 Discuss in detail the distribution of iron and steel industry in the world.               
Q 33 Write a short note on the following in 30 words:  
1. High – Tech Industry                 2. Manufacturing

Q 34 State the importance of manufacturing industries in the economic development of the country. 

TERTIARY AND QUATERNARY ACTIVITIES ( Assignment for the Geography Students of Class XII )


Q 1 Which sector provides most of the employment in
 the metro-cities of India?                                         Marks (1)
Q 2 Which sector involves high degree of innovations? 
Q 3 What is retail trading? 
Q 4 What is the meaning of KPO? 
Q 5 What is outsourcing? 
Q 6 Write down the major components of services. 
Q 7 Describe quartenary services.   
Q 8 Give an example of quaternary services. 
Q 9 What is BPO? 
Q 10 How can you measure the transport distance? 
Q 11 List three examples of non store retail selling. 
Q 12 What are chain stores? 
Q 13 Who are entrepreneurs? 
Q 14 What role is played by the quaternary activities in the industrial sector? 
Q 15 Define a node and a link with respect to transport network. 
Q 16 What do you mean by departmental stores? 
Q 17 What do you mean by gold collar professions? 
Q 18 What is the main difference between secondary and tertiary activities? 
Q 19 Why are radio and television termed as “mass media”? 
Q 20 What do you mean by transport services? What are the factors affecting transport services? 
Q 21 What are the demerits of digital divide? 
Q 22 What do you mean by a trading centre? 
Q 23 “Outsourcing is providing a lot of job opportunities in the developing countries”. Discuss. 
                                                                                    Marks (3)
Q 24 On an outline map of the world show the following:
i)  One global city from each North America, Europe and Asia
Q 25 What is a Global City? Name three global cities. 
Q 26 Name three best connected nations of the world through internet.
Q 27 What is digital divide?            
Q 28 Name the fast emerging countries of medical tourism in the world.  
Q 29 Explain retail trading service.   
Q 30 “Cities of developed and developing countries reflect marked differences in their planning and development”. Support this statement with examples. 
Q 31 Explain quaternary activities. Discuss the salient features of these activities. 

Q 32 What are the different types of services?   Marks (5)
Q 33 On the given map of the world, name and mark any four popular tourist destinations of the world.
Q 34 Explain in detail the significance of transportation and communication services.    
Q 35 Discuss the significance and growth of the service sector in modern economic development.   
Q 36 In what ways, the service sectors in developing countries are different from those in developed countries? 
Q 37 Why specialized activities of the advanced economy such as finance and insurance have a scattered location around the globe? How are they managed? 

WATER IN THE ATMOSPHERE ( Assignment for the Geography Students of Class XI )


Q 1 What are the different forms of condensation? 
Q 2 What is condensation?         
Q 3 What is potential evaporation?      
Q 4 What is sublimation?       
Q 5 What are High clouds?                                       
Q 6 What is adventure Fog? 
Q 7 What is latent Heat?                                                       
Q 8 Define Rain shadow area.                              
Q 9 What is Sleet?                                            
Q 10 Define Precipitation.
Q 11 Define relative humidity.                             
Q 12 What is Absolute humidity?                           
Q 13 What is Evaporation?                                      
Q 14 What is the process of cloud formation?       
Q 15 What is the function of hydroscopic nuclei in condensation process? 
Q 16 Water found in atmosphere in very small amount but it is very important, why?                      
Q 17 Explain adiabatic lapse rate. 
Q 18 What is Orographic precipitation?                              
Q 19 What is Specific humidity?                             
Q 20 What are the different types of clouds?                  
Q 21 How are clouds formed?                             
Q 22 Discuss different types of distribution of rain fall.  
Q 23 Discuss different types of rainfall?  
Q 24 What is precipitation, discuss different form of precipitation? 
Q 25 What is the difference between the frost and  fog formation? 
Q 26 Discuss the condition favorable for the formation of dew. 
Q 27 What are the two factors that affect the amount of relative humidity? Discuss briefly.          
Q 28 What is humidity? Discuss different kinds of humidity?       

Q 29 What is evaporation? Which factors affect the rate of evaporation of a place?   

WATER (OCEANS) ( Assignment for the Geography Students of Class XI )


Q 1 Name the deepest trench of oceans. 
Q 2 Name the major oceanic water bodies. 
Q 3 What is continental shelf? 
Q 4 What is continental slope? 
Q 5 What is continental rise? 
Q 6 What is a submarine trench?  
Q 7 What is submarine canyon? 
Q 8 What is Guyot? 
Q 9 What do you understand by the term Reef? 
Q 10 What do you understand by the term 'Atoll'? 
Q 11 What is hydrography?  
Q 12 What is continuous evapotranspiration? 
Q 13 Name the largest barrier reef of the world. Where it is located? 
Q 14 Name the two major banks of the world? 
Q 15 Write a short note on ocean basin. 
Q 16 Write a short note on the Abyssal plain. 
Q 17 Why do we call the earth the' blue planet'? 
Q 18 Write a note on the mid-oceanic ridge.  
Q 19 What is continental margin? 
Q 20 What is Thermocline?  
Q 21 What is salinity of ocean water? 
Q 22 Distinguish between the submarine trenches and the canyon.  
Q 23 Write a note on the role of oceans in hydrological cycle.Draw a suitable diagram. 
Q 24 What are the various components of water cycle? 
Q 25 What are the various processes by which the water moves through the water cycle? 
Q 26 Distinguish between sea mount and Guyot. 
Q 27 Define temperature of the ocean water. Explain the distribution of temperature in the ocean water. 
Q 28 Distinguish between the continental shelf and the continental slope. 
Q 29 Distinguish between the features of the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. 
Q 30 Describe the bottom relief features of the ocean floor.  
Q 31 Define salinity. What are the factors that affect the distribution of salinity in the oceans? 

Q 32 What are the factors that influence temperature distribution of the ocean floor? 

MOMENTS OF OCEAN WATER ( Assignments for the Geography Students of Class XI )


Q 1 What are ice flocs? 
Q 2 What are currents? 
Q 3 What is a drift? 
Q 4 Define tide.  
Q 5 What is Gyre? 
Q 6 Define crest. 
Q 7 What is trough? 
Q 8 Where do waves in the ocean get their energy from?  
Q 9 How are tides caused? 
Q 10  Name an important cold currents of the Atlantic Ocean.  
Q 11 Name the two types of waves.   
Q 12 Where are the largest waves found? 
Q 13 What are the things that affect the size of waves? 
Q 14 When do the waves begin to break down? 
Q 15 What are the highest part and lowest part of the waves called? 
Q 16 What factors cause the waves to decay? 
Q 17 Define Perigee. 
Q 18 Define Apogee. 
Q 19 Define waves. 
Q 20Discuss the importance of tides?
Q 21 Examine the relationship between earthquakes, tsunamis and waves? 
Q 22 Name the main types of wind produced waves. 
Q 23 Distinguish between warm ocean currents and cold ocean currents. 
Q 24 Distinguish between the Spring tide and Neap tide. 
Q 25 What are tides and how they form? 
Q 26 On the outline map of the world show the major currents of the oceans.  
Q 27 On the outline map of the Indian Ocean show the summer and winter currents of the Indian Ocean. 
Q 28 What are the major characteristics of waves? 
Q 29 What are the major factors which originate ocean currents? 
Q 30 Give an account of the currents of the Pacific Ocean. 
Q 31 If there were no ocean currents what would have happened to the world. 
Q 32 Describe the movements of the Indian Ocean currents. 
Q 33 Describe the movements of the Atlantic Ocean currents. 

Q 34 Distinguish between the waves and the currents. 



Q 1 Which is the largest slum in Asia? 
Q 2 What are the criteria that are used for identifying pollution? 
Q 3 Name two cities apart from Delhi which are responsible for polluting the water of Yamuna. 
Q 4 What is the estimated percentage of polluted water in India? 
Q 5 Define pollutant. 
Q 6 What are the two major sources of pollution? 
Q 7 Which river is highly polluted in India? 
Q 8 Which type of pollution is the cause of acid rain? 
Q 9 What do pull and push factors lead to? 
Q 10 Name any two states in India having a poverty ratio of more than forty percent. 
Q 11 What is the cause of environmental pollution? 
Q 12 Name any three natural sources of water pollution. 
Q 13 Name the few pollutants that cause air pollution. 
Q 14 Which are the two sources of urban waste disposal? 
Q 15 What is the main objective of the Watershed Management Programme? 
Q 16 What are the effects of water pollution on human health?
Q 17 What is the main reason behind an increase in the rural-urban migration in India? What does it result in? 
Q 18 List down few examples of different types of wastelands formed by natural and man-made agents. 
Q 19 Write down the different sources of land pollution along with the examples. 
Q 20 Name three components of natural and cultural environment each. 
Q 21 Write a short notes on pollution and pollutant. 
Q 22 Define air pollution. What are the main sources of air pollution? 
Q 23 Increased use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, etc. degrade the soil. Write four effects of its use to support the statement. 
Q 24 Mention the steps for the prevention and control of land polution. 
Q 25 Mention the major problems associated with urban waste disposal in India. 
Q 26 Describe the major causes of water pollution. 

Q 27 Explain the measures for controlling water pollution. 

Monday, 28 October 2013

SOILS , India Physical Environment (Assignment for Geography Students of Class XI )


Q 1 What do you mean by humus? 
Q 2 What are ravines? Where are these found in India? 
Q 3 What is the main cause of soil erosion? 
Q 4 What are the main characteristics of fertile soil? 
Q 5 Name the four constituents of soil.
Q 6 Mention the three horizons of soil. 
Q 7 What do you understand by ‘pedology’? 
Q 8 What is soil? 
Q 9 What do you mean by loams? 
Q 10 What is the process of Pedogenesis? 
Q 11 Name three measures to conserve soil. 
Q 12 Classify the two main groups of soils during the ancient times in India. 
Q 13 Name the two government bodies under the ICAR responsible for classifying soils in India. 
Q 14 Which type of soil is found in sandy desert areas of India? 
Q 15 Name the two types of alluvial soils found in the Northern India. 
Q 16 Write the full form of the following bodies in India:       1) CAZRI        2) ICAR
Q 17 What do you mean by badland topography? Write down an example. 
Q 18 Name the two states of India experiencing the problem of salinity of soils. 
Q 19 Which type of soil is derived from the Deccan lava? Explain two important characteristics of this soil. 
Q 20 Classify the soils of India on the basis of their colour and composition. 
Q 21 How is humus formed? What is its significance for soil fertility? 
Q 22 What are red soils? Where are they found? 
Q 23 Distinguish between the alluvial soil and black soil. 
Q 24 What is contour ploughing? How can we guard against the danger of soil exhaustion? 
Q 25 What is the role of parent material in the soil formation? 
Q 26 What methods should be used to improve soil fertility? 
Q 27 What is the classification of soil given by the ICAR(Indian council of agricultural reaserch)? 
Q 28 Distinguish between the Regur Soil and the Laterite Soil. 
Q 29 Discuss in brief the different horizons of soil. 
Q 30 What is soil? Discuss four major factors of pedogenesis.
Q 31 What is soil erosion? In what different ways does it occur? What methods have been used to check soil erosion? 
Q 32 Describe the causes of soil erosion.
Q 33 Write a short note on conservation of soil. 
Q 34 Give the description of the major soils of India.  
Q 35 Highlight the important characteristic features of black soils. 
Q 36 On the given map of India, mark the different types of soils.

NATURAL VEGETATION ( Assignment for the Geography Students of Class XI )

Q 1 What is natural vegetation?
Q 2 What is meant by conservation? 
Q 3 What does the word forest denote? 
Q 4 In which part of the world, tropical deciduous forests are found? 
Q 5 In which climatic conditions, citrus fruits are cultivated? 
Q 6 Mention the uses of coniferous forests. 
Q 7 In which part of the world is seasonal grassland found? 
Q 8 Which are the two factors on which the growth of vegetation mostly depends? 
Q 9 Name two hardwood trees commonly found in tropical evergreen forests. 
Q 10 Distinguish between flora and fauna. 
Q 11 Describe the ecological efficiency. 
Q 12 “India has extremely rich and wide variety of fauna.” Explain this statement. 
Q 13 Write the measures which is fit for the protection of wildlife. 
Q 14 Examine the significance of photosynthesis. 
Q 15 What do you mean by wildlife sanctuary? 
Q 16 Define Eco-system, Food chain and Food web. 
Q 17 Distinguish between the Thorne forests and the Mangrove forests. 
Q 18 What steps have been taken up to conserve forests? 
Q 19 What are the most important reasons behind the depletion of wildlife areas? 
Q 20 Describe the importance of Social Forestry in India. 
Q 21 Describe the distribution and characteristics of different types of forests found in India. 
Q 22 Differentiate between the Tropical Evergreen Forests and Tropical Deciduous Forests. 
Q 23 On an outline map of India, label the following:           
1. Rain forests.2. Tropical deciduous forests. 3.   Montane forests.

4. Mangrove forests. 5. Tropical thorn forests.
Q 24 What is a Biosphere reserve? What are their uses? 

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Assignment for the Geography Students of Class XI from SOLAR RADIATION, HEAT BALANCE AND TEMPERATURE


Q 1 How do winds affect the temperature of a place?       
Q 2 What is direct solar Radiation?                 
Q 3 What is convection?    
Q 4 How is temperature affected by clouds? 
Q 5 What is Air Drainage?      
Q 6 What are the Isotherms?
Q 7 What is insolation?    
Q 8 What is Albedo?
Q 9 Name the factors controlling temperature distribution.
Q 10 What are Equinoxes? 
Q 11 Define Solar Radiation.      
Q 12 How distance from the sea is influences the temperature? Explain.            
Q 13 Explain how altitude affects temperature?    
Q 14 Write a short note on Heat Budget? 
Q 15 What is the effect of the tilt in the axis of earth on insolation ariation?            
Q 16 How does latitude affect the amount of radiation received by the earth? 
Q 17 How does latitude affect the temperature of a place? 
Q 18 How does ocean current affect the temperature of a place? 
Q 19 What is advection?            
Q 20 Why are temperature reduced to sea level before isothermal map are drawn? 
Q 21 Define variation in the Net Heat Budget at the Earth's surface.         
Q 22 Why is inversion of temperature important? 
Q 23 What are the general characteristics of isotherms?    
Q 24 Define Inversion of Temperature. 
Q 25 What is Terrestrial Radiation? 

Q 26 What do you understand by vertical distribution of temperature? 

COMPOSITION AND STRUCTURE OF ATMOSPHERE ( Assignment for the Geography Students of Class XI )

Q 1 What role does water vapour play in the weather process? 
Q 2 What is the difference between weather and climate? 
Q 3 What is the significance of the ozone layer?        
Q 4 What is Tropopause?       
Q 5 Describe the Mesosphere. 
Q 6 What is Normal Lapse Rate of Temperature  ? 
Q 7 What are the elements of weather and climate? 
Q 8 Describe the Troposphere. 
Q 9 What is the composition of the atmosphere? 
Q 10 Define Atmosphere. 
Q 11 Name the layers of the atmosphere. 
Q 12 What do you mean by aerosols ? 
Q 13 Which layer reflects the radio waves back to the earth? 
Q 14 Which gases do not take part in chemical reactions? 
Q 15 Name the gas which has got great importance in maintaining the earth’s climatic conditions. 
Q 16 In which layer does aeroplanes fly and why? 
Q 17 What is the importance of atmosphere to man? 
Q 18 Why troposphere is the most important layer? 
Q 19 Give example of few sources of dust particles in the atmosphere. 
Q 20 How is the atmosphere held to the earth? 
Q 22 Name the lower most and uppermost layers of the atmosphere. 
Q 23 Why has there been an increase in temperature of the atmosphere? 
Q 24 What is the importance of carbon dioxide?     
Q 25 What is the characteristics of the stratosphere.     
Q 26 Why are water vapour and dust particles important elements in weather and climate? 
Q 28 Why does the height of troposphere vary? 
Q 29 What are the characteristics of the Stratosphere? 
Q 30 Draw a suitable diagram of the structure of the atmosphere and label it. 

Q 31 Differentiate between Troposphere and Stratosphere.