Saturday 19 July 2014




1-Define the term volcano ?                                                        
2-Where is the deepest mines found in the world?
3-What is an earthquake?      
4-What is the main cause of shaking of the earth’s crust?                                                       
5-What are body waves?                                                              6-Write two landforms associated with volcanism?                                                  
7-What is epicenter ?                                                                                         
8-What is an active volcano? Give one examples of active volcanoes.                     
HOTs Questions
1-No one can reach the interior of the earth, then how do scientists tell us about the interior of the earth and the type of materials that exists at such depth?                       
2-Why is the destruction maximum near the epicenter of the earthquake? Explain.             
3-“Mostly natural disaster are the result of human interference in the environment” Discuss.         
 4. How for the volcanoes are responsible for changing the landscape of the earth?     Elaborate it with the help of suitable examples
(03 marks question)

1-Why can’t we reach the central part of the interior of the earth? Give reasons.
2-.Differentiate between body waves and the surface waves of the earthquake with help of a neat diagram.                                                                                            
3-How would you differentiate between shadow zones of S waves and P waves? Support your answer with diagrams.        
Value Based questions

1-What human values can play an important role in the relief and rehabilitation of the earthquake victims?                                  
2-What conditions promote sustenance of flora and  fauna on the planet earth?  Explain.   .                                                          
3-What are the benefits of earthquakes and volcanoes for mankind ?Mention them briefly.                                               
4-What precautions can be taken to minimize the losses due to earth quakes and volcanoes? 

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