Saturday 19 July 2014



(Minimum Learning Level )MLL
1-Name the upper most layer of the earth.
2-What is the radius of the earth?
3-What was Pangaea?
4-Who first propounded the theory of continental drift?
5-What is polar wandering?
6-What process is known as subduction?
7-What do you mean by jig –saw-fit?
8-What do you mean by oceanic ridge?
9-What is meant by Pangaea?

HOTs Questions

1-With the help of a diagram explain various features of the  sea floor?
2-How does coral distribution suggest northward movement of continents?
3-How do lithosphere plates behave along the transform fault?
 4-Describe the continental drift theory of Wegner  in detail.
5-Boundaries of the tectonic plates are more important than plates. Explain this statement.
6-What are the evidences in support of the continental drift theory?

(03 marks question)

1-What is meant by sea floor spreading?
2-What do you understand by plate tectonic?
3-What do you mean by tillite? Where are they found?
4-How are the convectional currents in the mantle initiated and maintained?
5-Draw the major tectonic plates on the given map of the world.
6-What is the relationship between earthquake, volcanoes and plate tectonics?
7-What was the location of Indian plate in various periods?
8-How far the tectonic plate’s theory is able to explain the origin of mid oceanic ridge?

9-What is the importance of tectonic plate’s theory in geomorphology?

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