Monday 20 April 2020



1.       Which one of the following forms of settlement develops along their sides of roads
a)      Circular           
b)      linear        
c)       cross shaped   
d)      square


2.       The first urban settlement toreach population of one million was……..
a)      Paris              
b)      New York     
c)       London       
d)      Canberra


3.       Canberra is the capital of……
a)      Ethiopia  
b)      Australia      
c)       New Zealand   
d)      Indonesia

ANS: b) Australia

4. In which of the following regions hasthe oldest well –documented urban settlement found?
a)      Huang Ho valley   
b)      Indus valley     
c)       Nile valley    
d)      Mesopotamia

ANS: b) Indus valley       

5. Where is dry point settlements found?
a)      Along delta                
b)      Along canyon  
c)       Along waterfall  
d)      Along river terrace

             ANS:  d) along river terrace  

6) Which is the largest town of   South America?
a)      Shangahi
b)      Mumbai
c)       Buenos Aires
d)      Karachi

ANS:   c) Buenos Aires   

7) The term conurbation was coined by ………in ………
a)      Patrick Geddes in 1915      
b)      P Brenikov 1961
c)       Le Corbusier 1956
d)      None of the above

ANS: a) Patrick Geddes in 1915      

8)Addis Ababa (Thenew flower) is the capital of…….
a)      Ethiopia 
b)      Somalia  
c)       Sudan  
d)      Congo

ANS: a) Ethiopia  

9) In Denmark, Sweden and Finland, all places with a population size of ……….persons are called urban.
a)      250 persons 
b)      350 persons  
c)       450 persons
d)      550 persons

ans : a)250 persons

10) The minimum population for a city is               …… Iceland.
a)      100persons 
b)      200 persons 
c)       300 persons  
d)      400persons

ANS:C) 300 persons

11) The minimum population for a city is……….in Canada and Venezuela.
a)      900persons
b)      1000 persons
c)       1100persons
d)      1200 persons

ANS:  b) 1000persons

12)How many mega cities are there in the world in 2015?
a)      15       
b)      20    
c)       22 
d)      29

ANS:  d)29

13.Name the first Mega city of the world……..
a)      London   
b)      Tokyo  
c)       seoul
d)      New York 
ANS: d) New York

14.The best known example of a megalopolis is……
a) The urban landscape stretching from Boston in the north to south of Washington in USA.
b)The urban landscape stretching from Boston in the north to west of california in USA
c)The urban landscape stretching from Chicago in the north to east of Newyork in USA
d)The urban landscape stretching from the north Appalachian region  to great lake

ANS:a) The urban landscape stretching from Boston in the north to south of Washington in USA.

15)What is a Healthy city?
a)      A clean and safe environment.
b)      Meets the Basic needs of All” its inhabitants
c)       Involves the community in local govt.
d)      all of the above

ANS: d) all of the above

16.In the Asia Pacific countries, around ………. percent of the urban population lives in squatter settlement.
a)      40%
b)      50%   
c)       60%   
d)      70%     
ANS: c)60%    

17)The city is in fact the physical form of the highest and most complex type of associative life who gave these words?
a)      Lewis Mumford  
b)      Walter Burley Griffin  
c)       Patrick Geddes
d)      none of these

ANS: a) Lewis Mumford   

18.Megalopolis this Greek word meaning “great city “was popularized by………
a)       Jean Gottman (1957)    
b)      Lewis Mumford (1956)
c)       Patrick Geddes (1915)
d)       none of these

ANS: a)Jean Gottman (1957) 

19)Washington D.C, Beijing, Addis Ababa are………town.
a)      Administrative town
b)      cultural town
c)       trading town
d)      none of these

ANS:a)Administrative town

20.The census of India ,1991 defines urban settlements as……   
a)      All places which have municipality, corporation, cantonment board.
b)      have a minimum population of 5000 persons
c)       At least 75% of male workers are engaged in non-agricultural pursuits.
d)      a density of population of at least 400 persons per square km are urban
e)      All of the above

   ANS:e) All of the above

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