Friday 14 April 2017



1.     Differentiate between growth and development with the help of suitable example.
2.     How did Dr Mahbub-ul-Haq and Prof Amartya Sen define the human development?
3.     With the help of suitable example describe the meaning of meaningful life.
4.     Explain the four pillars of human development by quoting examples.
5.     Discuss the system of measuring human development index. OR
Define human development index (HDI) and how it is measured? 
6.     Differentiate between Human Development Index and Human Poverty Index.
7.     Which are the two important indices used by the UNDP to measure human development? 
8.     Explain the four major approaches to human development.
9.     Discuss the international comparisons of human development.
10.                        Why the countries like Norway, Australia and Switzerland having very high human development index? Give reasons.
11.                        Explain the meaning of Attainments in human development and Shortfall in human development.

12.                        Name the only country to officially adopt Gross National Happiness (GNH) as a measure of country’s progress. 

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