1. Define human development. Why human development is necessary?
Give any four reasons. OR
Why is there a need to have human development?
2. Explain the Western or Euro-centric view of development.
3. What are the key features of Human Development Report , 1993?
4. “Development is a mixed bag of opportunities as well as neglect
and deprivations.” Justify the statement with the help of suitable examples. OR
‘Development and environmental degradation are two faces of the
same coin.’ How far is it correct?
5. Mention the set of indicators selected by Planning Commission of
India for preparing the Human Development Report of 2011
6. Poor people are being subjected to three types of inter-related
processes of declining capabilities. Explain.
7. “Development if freedom.” What does this statement signify?
8. Describe the spatial variations in the level of human development
in the state of India and also mention reasons for these variations.
9. What were the views presented by Neo Malthusians,
Environmentalists and Radical Ecologists on population and resources? OR
Discuss the relationship between population, environment and
10. Mention the main factors
responsible for overexploitation of resources.
11. Give five reasons why Kerala
is placed at top rank in terms of HDI.
12. Give three reasons
responsible for declining child sex ratio in India.
13. On the given map of India,
name and mark the state of India having lowestand highest HDI value (HDI report
Discuss the spatial patterns
of female literacy in India in 2011 and bring out reasons responsible for it.
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