Thursday 25 February 2016

Some Important Questions for one Mark

Which soil is known as Regur soil ?
किस मृदा को रेगर मृदा के नाम से जाना जाता है ?
What is Panthalasa ?                 पंथालासा क्या है
Write the extent of India in km east to west and north to south.  
भारत का पूर्व-पश्चिम तथा उत्तर –दक्षिण विस्तार किलोमीटर में कितना है ?
What is light year ?
प्रकाश वर्ष क्या है ?
Which are Inner Planets ?                                   आंतरिक ग्रह कौन से है ?
Define Geography.
भूगोल को परिभाषित करें I
What is rock cycle ?                                           शैल चक्र क्या है ?
Name the scholar who coined the term “Geography” ?                    
 किस विद्वान ने भूगोल शब्द का प्रयोग किया ?

Define pgysical geography .
What is Panthalasa ?
What do you mean by a Nebula ?
What was Pangaea ?
Define the term Volcano.
Where is Mariana Trench situated ?
What is epicenter ?
Define the term monsoon.
What is the full form of CAZARI ?
Name the Indian river flowing in rift valley.
What do you mean by erosion ?
 What is an earthquake ?
What are geomorphic agents ?
Which soil is also known as black soil ?
Explain the term Normal Lapse Rate.
Name the state in which Garo Hills situated.
Define soil.
Which river was known as "Sorrow of Bengal" ?
What are Isobars ?
Name the state in which K2 mountain peack is situated.
Where is Nanda Devi biosphere reserve situated ?
Define the term Mneral .
 In which state of India is Lake LoktaK located?          
Name the largest desert of the world .
What is a rock ?
Name the three major layers of the earth.
Name the scholar who coined the term “Geography” ?                    
Which longitude is the standard meridian of India ?    
Define ocean current and name the major types of ocean currents
Which soil is most useful for the production of cotton ?
Define insolation .
What is Loo ?
What is light year ?
What is rock cycle ?      
Which gas comprises the maximum share in our atmosphere ?
Define air mass .                                                   Which are Inner Planets ?                                   What is full form of ITCZ ?
On which mountain range “Dodabeta” peak situated ?  
Main the major elements of climate/weather .

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