Thursday 20 February 2014

Map Items for Identification only on outline political map of the World ( XII )

Fundamentals of Human Geography (XII)
Textbook I (NCERT)
For Identification only on outline political map of the World

Unit One Ch.-1 Nil
Unit Two Ch. 2 to 4
1 Largest and smallest Country of each continent in area.
2 Countries having smallest and largest population of each continent
3 Countries having lowest and highest density of papulation of each continest.
4 Countriest having lowest and highest growth rate of population of each continent according to 1995- 2000.
5 Countries having lowest and highest rank in Human Development Index in 2003.

Unit Three Ch. 5 to 7
1 Areas of subsistence gathering
Primary Activities 2 Major areas of nomadic herding of the world.
3 Major areas of commercial livestock rearing
4 Major areas of extensive commercial grain faming
5 Major areas of mixed farming of the World.
6 Major areas of dairy farming of the World.

Unit Four Ch. 8 to 9
Secondary Activities 1 Ruhr region, Silicon Valley, Appalachian region, Great lakes region

2 Transcontinental Railways: Terminal Stations of transcontinental railways

3 Major Sea Ports : 
Europe: North Cape, London, Hamburg,
North America: Vancouver, San Francisco, New Orleans.
South America: Reo De Janeiro, Colon, ValparaisoAfrica: Suez, Durban and Cape Town
Asia: Yokohama, Shanghai, Hongkong, Aden,Colombo, Karachi, Kolkata
Australia: Perth, Sydney, Melbourne and Auckland

4. Inland Waterways:   Suez canal, Panama canal, Rhine waterway and St. Lawrence Seaway

5. Major Airports:  
  • Asia: Tokyo, Beijing, Irkutsk, Vladivostok, Mumbai,Jedda, Aden
  • Europe: Moscow London, Paris, Berlin, and Rome
  • North America: Chicago, New Orleans, Mexico City
  • South America: Bogota, Brasilia, Buenos Aires, Santiago
  • Australia: Drarwin and Wellington.

Unit Five Ch. 10                  Mega cities of the world.

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