Monday 12 May 2014



Q 1 Define human geography. OR
          How did the Ratzel and Ellen C. Semple define human geography?
Q 2 Explain the important approaches that emerged during 1970 have to study Human geography.                                                                    OR
          Explain the welfare /humanistic, redical and behavioural approaches in     human geography.
Q 3 What is the aim of human geography? 
Q 4 Name any four sub-fields of Human geography. 
Q 5 Expalin the important approach that emerged during 1930’s to study Human geography. OR
          Areal differentiation approach in human geography.
Q 6 What was the main focus of Areal differentiation during 1930’s? 
Q 7 Explain the important approach that emerged during 1990’s to study Human geography. OR
          What was the main feature of Post Modernism in Geography?                   
Q 8 What is the main objective of studying Human geography as a discipline of           Geography? 
Q 9What do you mean by “Stop and Go determinism “or “Neo determinism”? 
Q 10 What is the major difference between study of Physical geography and      Human geography? 
Q 11 What is environmental determinism? Or Explain Naturalisation of   Humans           with three examples.
Q 12 Explain the concept of possibilism.  Or Explain Humanisation of Nature   with           three examples
Q 13 Explain how Human geography emerged as an integrated and inter-  related discipline during early 20thCentury? 
Q 14 Explain how Human geography is interrelated with Physical geography? 
Q 15 Explain the approach was used to study Human geography during late      1950’s? What were its features?         Or
          Explain the spatial organization approach in human geography.                 
Q 16 Name any three sub-fields each of Social geography and Economic geography.          
Q 17 What is the nature and scope of Human geography? 


Q 1 What are different patterns of migration?                   
Q 2 Define migration. Distinguish between immigration and emigration.       
Q 3 Explain the demographic cycle.
Q 4 Write down the components of population change. Define the significance/           impacts of population growth. 
Q 5 Why do people migrate? Explain the Push and Pull factor. 
Q 6 What was the total world’s population in the beginning of the twenty first           century? Write down the current growth ratio of population of the world. 
Q 7 What is density of population? How its different from Agricultural density          of population and Physiological density?
Q 8 Define the following terms: i) Growth Rate of Population.         
          ii) Natural Growth of Population.       iii) Actual Population Growth.
          iv)  Positive Growth of Population.     v) Negative Growth of Population.
Q 9 Explain the factors influencing the distribution of population. 
Q 10 Explain the pattern of population distribution in the world? 
Q 11 How science and technology helped population growth? 
Q 12 Define different types of migrations.              
Q 13 With the help of diagram explain the three stages of Demographic    Transition           Theory? 
Q 14 What do you mean by doubling time of countries population and ageing           population of a country? 
Q 15 Describe in brief the different trends of population growth in the world. 
Q 16 Explain the various measures to control population growth.


Q 1 Define literacy rate? How does literacy indicate socio-economic development      of a country?      
          Define the factors which are responsible for the variations in the literacy   level of the World.   
Q 2 Explain the term Ageing Population.   
Q 3 Describe the rural-urban composition of population. Why it differs from
          developed countries to developing countries? 
          On the basis of place of residence classify the population of the world in two           groups . Explain three main characteristics of each group of population.
          Divide the population of the world into two groups on the basis of residence.           How do they differ from each other? Explain three points of each group.

Q 4 How is the sex ratio measured? Why it’s unfavourable to women in India? 
          What is sex ratio? Why is sex ratio imbalanced in the world? 
Q 5 What do you understand by population composition? Explain its components?
Q 6 Define age- sex pyramid. Explain with suitable examples three types of       pyramid.
          The shape of the population pyramid reflects the characteristics of the           population. How?
          Write three types of populations associated with three kinds of shapes of age           pyramid. 
Q 7 Explain various groups of age structure with their important characteristics.                                                                   OR
          What is the significance of age structure?
Q 8 Explain the inter link between population and development.      
Q 9 What do you mean by occupational structure of population? 

Q 1 Differentiate between growth and development.
Q 2 Which are the three important indicators used by the UNDP to measure human  development? 
Q 3 What does the Human Development Index and Human Poverty Index           measure? 
Q 4 Distinguish between attainments and shortfalls.
Q 5 How are the countries classified on the basis of human development index? OR
          Explain the international comparisons of human development. 
Q 6 Explain the four approaches to study human development. 
Q 7 What do you mean by crude birth rate and crude death rate? 
Q 8 What do you mean by human resource development? 
Q 9 Explain in detail sustainability?        
Q 10 Define human development .Explain the four pillars of human development    with suitable examples.  

          How do equity and sustainability refer to within the concept of human           development?

Holidays Home Work from India People and Economy


Q 1 Give few demographic attributes of human population in India. 
Q 2 What do you mean by Population doubling time? 
Q 3 What do you mean by Population Composition?  
Q 4 Describe the components of Population Growth? 
Q 5 What is the difference between main worker and marginal worker? OR
Mention the classification of working population given by Census in 2001
Q 6 What is fertility and morality induced growth of population?
Q 7 Describe the classification of Modern Indian Languages. OR
Explain the four families of Indian languages with their sub-families and branches.
Q 8 Describe the religious composition of India.
Q 9 Distinguish between Primary, Secondary and Tertiary economic activities. 
Q 10 Differentiate between Natural Growth and Population Growth. 

Q 11 Which states have large rural population in India? Give reasons behind such large rural population. 
Q 12 Give any four characteristics each for the Rural and Urban population of India. 
Q 13 Describe the regional variation in population growth.
Q 14 Explain the conditions in which growth of population is negative and those in which it are positive. 
Q 15 Define occupation. Give the classification of occupations adopted by census. 
Q 16 Describe the distribution of population in India.  
Q 17 Distinguish between arithmetic density and physiological density. 
Q 18 Mention the different stages of demographic transition theory.  
Q 19 Mention the causes of uneven distribution of population. OR
Explain the factors which influence the distribution of population.
Q 20 Discuss briefly four phases of population growth in India during the twentieth century. Give five causes of population growth during the each phase. OR
Discuss the trend of growth of population in India during in last hundred years.
Q 21 Describe the age composition of population of India and mention its implications. 


Q 1 What are the two types of migration? OR
Distinguish between migration and commutation. 
Q 2 Who is a migrant? Name four streams of migration in India.
Q 3 What are the two basis on which census has enumerated migration? OR
 What is the basis of classifying a population as migrant population in India? OR
Differentiate between life-time migrant and migrant by last residence.  
Q 4 How are remittances from international migrants useful? 
Q 5 Explain spatial variation of migration in India?
Q 6.What are the characteristics of migration in India? 
Q 7 Distinguish between intrastate and interstate migration. 
Q 8 Define the term Temporary and Permanent migration with examples. 
Q 9 Explain the four major consequences of migration in details. 
Q 10 Mention the main causes of migration. OR
Discuss the pull and push factors affecting the migration. OR
Distinguish between pull factors and push factors affecting human migration. 
Q 11 Answer the following questions based on the pie-diagrams 2.2 (a) and 2.2 (b) given on page no. 21 regarding the Reasons for Male and Female migration:

i) Which sector accounts for the maximum percentage share of migration among females?
ii) Which sector accounts for the maximum percentage share of migration among Males?
iii) What can be the reason for low percentage of females migrating to other places for education?
iv) What is the most serious problem faced by the source area of migration where men migrate due to employment.
Q 12 Discuss the religious composition of Indian population and its spatial distribution.


Q 1 Give five reasons why Kerala is placed at top rank in terms of HDI. 
Q 2 Define human development. Why human development is necessary? Give any four reasons. 
Why is there a need to have human development?
Q 3 Mention the main factors responsible for overexploitation of resources. 
Q 4 What were the views presented by Neo Malthusians, Environmentalists and Radical Ecologists on population and resources?
Q 5 Discuss the relationship between population, environment and development.
Q 6 Mention the set of indicators selected by India for preparing the Human Development Report of 2001. 
Q 7 ‘Development and environmental degradation are two faces of the same coin.’ How far is it correct? 
Q 8 Give three reasons responsible for declining child sex ratio in India. 
Q 9 On the given map of India, name and mark two states of India having lowest  and highest HDI value (HDI report 2001).
Q 10 Discuss the spatial patterns of female literacy in India in 2001 and bring out reasons responsible for it.